Monday, October 6, 2008

Sanctuary Premiere "Sanctuary for All"

You have to give the Sci-fi channel props to going where no show has gone before, but once I found out the the whole set is CGI it took something away from the viewing experience.
I like the over all concept yet I really don't see this show as having longevity. After all, the Sci-fi channel is notorious for nipping shows in the bud after having a somewhat successful first season.
Amanda Tapping was brilliant. I kept listening for any waver in her British accent but she kept it consistent throughout the show. Actor Robin Dunne did a good job portraying a geeky profiler who has tried all his life to rationalize the irrational. I think he will be added to the ranks of actors playing hot geeks like Michael Shanks (Dr. Daniel Jackson, SG-1) and David Hewlett (Dr Rodney McKay, Stargate Atlantis).
Even though the premiere was a bit slow, I'm hoping that this week's episode will prove a bit more exciting.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Supernatural 4.3 In the Beginning


This episode shed light on John and Mary's past and it made me remember why I started watching Supernatural in the first place. In The Beginning was phenomenal!

Jeremy Carver really out did himself. This episode was poignant and funny, and only Jensen can deliver lines like "Sammy, wherever you are, mom was a babe. I'm going to hell... again."

What made the episode was the shocking revelations that cast all the dark shadows of the Winchesters past into the light. At the end of season two, I knew that what the Y.E.D. (Azazel) revealed to Sam had something to do directly with Mary. It was pretty much a given. I had two theories: 1) Mary was a hunter; and 2) Mary had made a deal with Azazel. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that both my theories were correct, but what I didn't expect (and it totally threw me for a loop) was that the reason Mary made the deal with Azazel was to save John. OMG!!! That just makes John and Mary's love story even more epic!

Supernatural really turned the corner from last weeks episode. However, once again, Dean is on the mission to save Sam from evil and the only way to save him is to figure out Azazel's end game. At least now, Dean has heaven on his side.