At the end of Croatoan, Dean admits to Sam that John did tell Dean something before he died and at the beginning of Hunted, Dean reveals the "secret" to Sam.
John knew of Sam's abililties and made Dean promise that if Sam went evil, Dean would kill Sam if necessary.
Sam is furious with Dean for keeping that from him for months and leaves Dean, heading for the roadhouse.
Sam had Ash look for children whose mother's had died in nursury fires on their six month birthday. Ash found four names: Sam, Max, Andy and one other. However, this man had been murdered. Sam heads for Indiana to investigate what happened to this man.
Dean is ticked that Sam took off on him and calls Ellen at the roadhouse. She told Sam that she wouldn't tell Dean where Sam went but changes her mind and tells Dean. Dean takes off after Sam.
While Sam is investigating the murder of this man he runs into Ava, a young woman who has come to tell Sam that she had a premonition that he is going to die. Ava helps Sam break into a psychatrist's office so Sam can steal the murdered man's file. Sam and Ava are listening to the tape of the conversation the man had with the psychatrist when Dean pulls into front of the motel where Sam is staying.
Suddenly, a gun fire is sprayed into Sam's hotel room. Dean sees the man on the roof and attacks him. Its Gordon. Dean fights with Gordon and Gordon ends up knocking Dean out.
Sam and Ava go on top of the roof and Sam knows something is wrong. He gets a phone call and its Dean. Gordon has Dean tied up as bait for Sam. Dean warns Sam by saying "funkytown".
Sam puts Ava in her car and tells her that she'd be safer back at home with her finace.
Meanwhile, Gordon is telling Dean how he killed that man and why he's going to kill Sam... kill Sam before he has the opportunity to turn evil.
Sam sneaks around the back of the shack Gordon is keeping Dean and picks the lock to the back door, knowing its a trap. Dean is gagged and can't warn Sam.
There are two explosions and Dean struggles to free himself to no avail. Gordon goes to the back to make sure that his explosives did their job but Sam set them off with his shoes and attacks Gordon. They fight, Sam knocks Gordon out and frees Dean.
As Sam and Dean are leaving the shack, Gordon starts shooting at them but Sam was one step ahead and had called the police so Gordon is arrested.
Dean calls the roadhouse and yells at Ellen because Gordon had told Dean that "you have your roadhouse connections and I have mine." so Dean wants to know if it was Ellen or Ash that sold out Sam. Ellen said that she knew of at least 10 hunters that could piece Sam's secret together. Dean is not happy but lets Ellen off the hook.
Sam is worried about Ava because he promised her that he'd call and let her know he was alright and she wasn't answering her phone. Sam and Dean go to Ava's to find her gone, her fiance murdered and sulfur on the windowsill. Sam kneels down and picks up Ava's engagement ring, the only thing left.
This brings up some questions: Did demons kill Ava's fiance and kidnap her or did Ava kill her fiance herself? Who was Gordon's roadhouse connections and can we really trust Ellen and Ash?
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