OMG!! Eric Kripke is a creative genius! I have always sung his praises when it comes to his writing but he really outdid himself for the premier episode of Supernatural which aired Thursday, October 4th.
Of course, we all know that Sam and Dean couldn't stop the Yellow-Eyed-Demon from unleashing a legion of demons from hell but what we didn't know is what kind of ancient evil actually got out of hell. We were given a "sneak-peek" of sorts when Sam, Dean and Bobby go up against the "Seven Deadly Sins" which, according to legend, are not just sins but demons that bring out the worst in people.
What I loved most about this episode, besides Eric Kripke's genius, was the way Bobby has just become this awesome moral compass, not only for Sam and Dean but also for other hunters. He keeps his wits about him and doesn't let his emotions get the best of him. He is the level-headed voice of reason that keep everyone around him from getting killed. Jim Beaver is an excellent actor and the chemistry between him and Jensen and Jared is terrific.
What I didn't really like, but you can't hate him for it, is the regression of Dean's emotional state. In season one, Dean was the fun-loving, kinda sleazy, womanizing yet totally charming guy that we grew to love despite his deficiencies. In season two, Dean (as Sam so eloquently put it) was "twisted and broken" after John sold his soul to save Dean. He became more serious especially with the revelation that he may have to kill Sam if the Yellow-Eyed-Demon had his way and turned Sam evil. Gone was the sleazy Dean and in his place was a very angry and determined man who just wanted to save his brother. Now, with Dean only having one year to live, we have the sleazy Dean back who just wants to live it up and kill some demons along the way. I hate that Dean has reverted to his old ways yet you can't really hate him for it. After all, he is extremely charming.
Another thing I didn't like was the introduction of the girl who saved Sam's butt. There's just something about her that I don't trust. The way the demons knew who she was plus the way she moved when fighting the demons just screams "don't trust her!"
It's too bad that Eric Kripke can't write every single episode. There would be no question about whether or not The CW would cancel the show. He is very good at what he does but I know that it isn't possible to write 23 episodes plus make sure that the show is being run the way you have envisioned it without help. We just need to keep our fingers crossed that this new season will draw in the male viewers that The CW is so desperate to gain.
Episode 3.2, The Kids Are Alright, airs Thursday, October 11th. It looks super creepy and reminiscent of season one.
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