At the end of last weeks episode, The Fix, Sylar faked his own death in order to escape from the maxium security lock down that Mr. Bennett put Sylar in. Sylar locks Mr. Bennett in the cell and proceeds to the Bennett home, looking for Claire.
Claire and Zach ditch school in order to visit Claire's biologically mother. Claire shows her mother what she can do and her mother shows Claire that is all in the family.
Peter is still hanging around the invisible guy hoping that he can help Peter control his power so he doesn't end up being a human bomb. The invisible guy ends up throwing him off a 30 story building, hoping Peter will fly. Instead, Peter plummets to the ground below, landing on a taxi cab but instead of dying, Peter regenerates.
Hiro is in big trouble with his father but after showing his father that the company can survive under the leadership of Hiro's sister, they go back to Tokyo. Hiro is still able to continue his mission of saving the world with Ando at his side.
All of this leads up to the startling revelation: Who is Claire's daddy?
After Claire leaves, her mother calls "the father" and it turns out to be none only but Nathan Petrelli, Peter's brother who wants nothing more than to deny not only Peter's powers but his own as well.
Heroes is turning out be very interesting and they are just getting started.
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