Dean is going stir crazy holed up in a dingy motel room since he is a wanted felon. Dean occupies his time by being hopelessly addicted to the Magic Fingers vibrating bed. (Which consists of two of the funniest scenes in the whole episode.)
Dean talks Sam into going to the one of the victims house to see if there is anything off. Sam goes around to the side of the house and opens the door to the basement. They search it and find a fingernail embedded in the wall. They start digging and find a body. So the man really was "evil to his deepest foundations."Meanwhile, across town, an man is visited by an angel promising redemption. The man goes to the home of another man, stabs him in his doorway and then goes to the police to turn himself in.
Dean is having a hard time believing that an angel is really appearing to these people. He believes that its a spirit preying on the weak minded. The only thing that Sam has a hard time believing is how unbelieving Dean is.
Sam and Dean go to the home of the newest murder victim and find secret emails from a thirteen year old girl on the man's computer. They also find the link all the victims have in common, they all go to the same church: Our Lady of the Angels.
They talk to Father Reynolds at the church and find out that a couple months before Father Gregory was murdered on the church steps. Dean thinks that Father Gregory is the vengeful spirit that is telling these people to commit murder but Sam still believes that its an angel. They go to check out Father Gregory's grave when Sam sees a white light appear to him. Sam believes that the angel appeared to him and told him he had a mission. Dean freaks out and tells Dean that until he sees some hard proof of God's will/angels that he's going to think that its the spirit of Father Gregory.
They check out the grave and its covered in wormwood, proof that a spirit is not at rest. Dean tells Sam that in order to know for sure that they do a seance and summon the spirit of Father Gregory. Sam and Dean buy the ingredients they need for the seance when Sam sees the "sign" behind the man that Sam is supposed to stop. Dean follows the guy and tells Sam to go to the church and perform the seance.
Sam is in the middle of performing the seance when Father Reynolds of the church walks in on him. Sam tries to explain what he is going when the bright, white light appears but it quickly materializes into the form of Father Gregory. Father Gregory tells Sam and the Father that he had come back to answer Father Reynold's prayers for deliverance, that he is an angel. Sam and Father Reynolds tell Father Gregory that he's not an angel, just a man and that he needs to be at rest. Father Reynolds gives Father Gregory his last rites and his spirit is finally at rest.
Dean follows the man that Father Gregory told Sam to stop, he picks up a young woman and they continue on their way. The man stops the car in a back ally and attacks the woman. Dean stops the man and pulls the woman out of the car but the man drives away. Dean follows the man in a high speed chase. Dean catches up with the man's car when a pick-up truck swerves in front of the man's car. A long, metal rod flies off the back of the truck and impales the man Dean was chasing, right through the windshield and the back of the seat. Dean cannot believe what he just saw.
Dean meets Sam back at the motel room. Sam tells Dean that he was right, that it wasn't an angel but Dean is still shaken up by what he saw. He tells Sam what he saw and that if he didn't see it with his own eyes he wouldn't have believed it. Sam asks him what he saw and Dean replies: "Maybe... God's Will."
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