I'm standing in line at the checkout at my local Safeway last night and right in front of my face is Entertainment Weekly's Special Double Fall Preview issue so I grab it to check if Supernatural was even mentioned. Last year, you were lucky if you saw even a brief nod in Supernatural's direction. I flip the pages to find one paragraph. That was it, one paragraph. In this paragraph, they mention that Eric Kripke said that since Dean only has one year to live, his hedonistic tendencies are going to become more pronounced. That's just code for sex, sex, and more sex.
The introduction of two new female characters was also mentioned. One is supposedly a supernatural bounty hunter and a thief and the second is a hunter. All I know is that the actresses they pick better be able to convey "bad ass" better than Alona Tal when Kripke introduced Jo.
Jo is one of the most hated characters by the fan base at large due mostly to the fact that Jo was portrayed by actress Alona Tal. When you look at Alona Tal - 5'5', 105 pounds soaking wet with tiny spaghetti arms - it's hard to believe that she could kick an ant's butt let alone a demon's. When introducing strong female characters it's hard to convince the audience that she can kick butt and take names when the actress is blonde with big boobs and a perfect manicure. That just isn't reality. It's some man's weird fantasy. I think the fan base would respect or at least tolerate these new characters if they are introduced as pivotal characters needed to progress the plot and not just as eye candy used to up the male viewership. The character of Ellen, Jo's mother, portrayed by actress Samantha Ferris is a perfect example of a strong woman who moves the plot forward and does an excellent job of convincing the audience that she can kick butt and take names -particularly Dean's. (Just in case you think that I'm spewing about this because Dean and Sam are two hot guys and I'm a woman, I feel the exactly same about introducing new male characters as well.) Women who have pulled off tough yet sexy in a realistic way is 1) Jennifer Garner, 2) Jessica Alba, 3) Mila Jovovich, 4) Ali Larter & 5) Kristanna Loken. However, Kristanna Loken does have the big boobs thing going on and wardrobe does work that to her advantage. Sometimes I wonder that she doesn't fall out of her blouse while delivering a roundhouse kick to a bad guy's mid-section.
Last year was a real roller coaster for the boys. Not only do they lose John but John's secret about Sam comes out and the Yellow Eyed Demon plays his hand, almost succeeding in turning Sam evil in order to create a hell on earth. Dean's journey last year was very introspective and he had to put a lot of perspective on his roll in life and as Sam's older brother. I hope that Eric Kripke and his writing team doesn't try to gloss over Dean's sacrifice for Sam with lame porno jokes and sex. They need to concentrate on how to undo the deal Dean made with the demon since the show is about the Winchester Brothers. As much as I adore Jared Padalecki as an actor, I don't think he has the emotional depth to carry the show alone. Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki make an awesome acting duo and you can't have one without the other. I guess we will find out about the next stage of the boys' lives when Supernatural airs on Thursday, October 4th on The CW Network.
If you would like to read the small paragraph EW published, here's the link: http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20054862,00.html
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