Episode 2.1, Four Months Later, was confusing. In the season finale, we were left with all the main characters in the square in New York watching Nathan fly Peter into the atmosphere, where Peter then exploded, in order to save New York from a nuclear disaster. It then picks up four months later, everyone living their own lives and giving no indication to what happened right after Peter "died".
I know that Tim Kring has a way of taking you forward, then back, then forward again, but personally I don't think the season premier lived up to the finale. The only story line that wasn't confusing was the one that followed Hiro as he went back in time to find Kenesai. The other story lines following Matt Parkman, The Bennetts, The Petrellis, and Mohinder Suresh, you had to read-between-the-lines and sort of figure out what must have happened to these people in the four months since they narrowly escape disaster. Plus, introducing the new character of the young Mexican girl, with a terrible power she can't control, seemed out of context. It seemed like they just threw her in for the heck of it. Now, the introduction of the boy who can fly fit into the story line and plot since they introduced him as one of Claire's new classmates who has shown an interest in Claire.
Another confusing factor was the introduction of the symbol that in season one was connected with Kenesai, which was considered good but is now being associated as "evil" due to the fact that Molly, the little girl that can find other people with powers and who Matt Parkman saved from Sylar in season one, is having nightmares about a man and the symbol is linked to this man. Also, at the end of the episode, we see Peter locked in a large container and he has no idea who or what he is. The only link is that same symbol hanging around his neck.
I'm hoping that Tim Kring will shed more light on everything in episode 2.2, Lizards, instead of just building on and then go back to explain things right before the winter hiatus.
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