November 21, 2006
Last night was very suspenseful. I was on the edge of my seat through the whole episode.
Claire has now come a social pariah after she sent Brody to the hospital. The whole cheerleading squad is against her and Jackie only makes things worse. Claire is surprised that she is voted homecoming queen. She got the "freaks" votes and the "freaks" outnumber the "cool" kids. Jackie makes fun of Zach in front of Claire. She hauls off and punches Jackie in the face. (It was awesome. I can totally relate because when I was a cheerleader, I wanted to punch out the ex-captain after I was voted captain.)
Claire's father grounds her from going to homecoming because he wants to keep her safe from the looming Sylar attack. Zach sneaks her out and she goes to homecoming. Claire meets Peter in the hallway at the high school. He thinks Jackie is the girl he needs to save.
Claire is confronted in the locker room by Jackie, claiming that "you have been trying to be me since the second grade." Claire replies "And now your trying to me," and tells Jackie that it was Claire who saved that man in the train.
Then the lights go out and Jackie is attacked by Sylar. Claire tries to save Jackie and is slammed against the wall. Sylar begins to rip Jackie's skull off, blood streaming down her face. Claire tries to put herself together with out being noticed by Sylar. Claire stands up and Sylar stares in disbelief has Claire's smashed face repairs itself.
Jackie tells Claire to run. She runs out of the locker room and straight into Peter. He tells her to run and tries to stand up to Sylar. Peter runs out to Claire and tells her to find "lots of people. He doesn't want to be seen." Claire runs to the game while Peter tries to face off with Sylar.
Claire sees Peter and Sylar fall and she runs to find out what happened. Peter lays on the ground, his body grotesquely broken but he is not dead. He asks Claire if he did it, that by saving her did her save the world. She answers "I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader." Claire runs to get help and is found by her father. She tries to get her father to go back for Peter but he holds her back and tells her that everything will be find. She tells her father "I have to tell you something."
Peter gets a call from Simone who shows him the painting that his brother bought from Lenderman and defaced in order "to save his life." Simone shows Peter a photo of the canvas before Nathan ruined it. It shows Peter lying in a pool of blood outside of Union Wells High School. Simone tells Peter that the high school is in Odessa, Texas. She also tells him to be careful and come back alive.
Peter tries to call Hiro to tell him to meet him at the high school. Ando answers the phone and tells Peter that Hiro is "not hear right now" but they are in Texas. Peter tells Ando that he'll get on a plane and meet them at the diner.
Peter arrives at the diner and Ando tells Peter what happened to Charlie and that Hiro went back in time to save her and is not back yet. Ando is afraid that something happened to Hiro. Peter tells Ando that he is going to save the cheerleader and wants Ando to come with him. Ando asks what kind of power Peter has, if its like Hiro's. Peter tells Ando that he kinda absorbs other's power but they have to be close, that without anyone else, he really has no power. Ando refuses to go with Peter because without Hiro he really has no power either.
Peter goes to the high school and sees the picture of Jackie accept the award for her bravery. As Claire walks by, he asks her who the girl in the photo is. She tells Peter that Jackie will be out cheering after half time. He goes outside to where the painting shows him lying and waits for 8:12 P.M.
Peter hears the scream, runs into the school and straight into Claire. He tells her to run and tries to stand up to Sylar who rips the locker doors and shoots them straight at Peter. Peter runs to Claire and tells her to find people. He turns to stand up to Sylar. They struggle and fall from the stone steps to the ground. Both are lying on the concrete in a pool of blood. Peter sits up and sees Claire. He should be dead but he puts himself back together. He must have absorbed some of Claire's power. He tells her to get help and she leaves him.
The cops find him covered in blood and arrests him in connection with Jackie's death.
Mohinder searches for the boy in the file that he found in his father's desk. When he finds the boy, he asks why the boy came to him in his dream. The boy replies that he doesn't go to them but they come to him because they have questions that need answers. Mohinder says he has two paths but which one to take. The boy tells him that he already has the answer to that question and returns to his playmates. Confused as ever, Mohinder returns to the university. He has dejavu and sees that it is another dream. The boy shows him the past again and Mohinder sees his father talking to his friend about almost the same thing that Mohinder and the friend talked about that same day. The boy also shows a past conversation that Mohinder had with his father after reading a proof of his book. His father is angry and tells Mohinder that Darwin said a "man must have a heart of stone" to do the work he has to do. Chandra tells Mohinder he doesn't have that heart and that this research is not for him. The boys tells Mohinder that he now has the answer.
Mohinder then continues with a program on his father's computer. It asks for a password and Mohinder types in his sister's name, Shanti. The screen immediately shows that his father has found "them". He know knows that he needs to finish his father's work. He tells his mother he is returning to New York. She is afraid for him and asks "Who is going to protect you?"
Jessica/Niki buys a high powered assault rifle and goes "hunting" for DL.
DL keeps telling Micah that they can't go back to Niki, that she is different. Micah know that his mother has changed. DL tries to tell Micah that he still loves Niki but it just has to be the two of them. "Like Batman and Robin?" Micah asks. DL answers,"Yeah, like Batman and Robin except I'm not wearing tights. You can wear tights but I'm not wearing tights."
DL goes into a small convenience store while Micah stays in the car. DL sees a police man, returns to the car and finds Micah missing. He finds Micah at a bus stop. Dl was worried sick. Micah says "Now you know how it feels when you left us." Micah tells DL that he knows Niki has changed but it got worse after DL left to the point sometimes Jessica would come to get him instead of his mom. Dl asks Micah if his mom knew about Jessica. Micah doesn't think so. This convinces DL to go back to Niki. Micah tells DL that Niki already knows where they are. DL panics and puts Micah in the car looking around for Niki/Jessica. Jessica is set up where DL can't see her. She lines DL in her sights and pulls the trigger.
Claire's father tells Eden that she needs to set up by the school to intercept Sylar. After the fall with Peter, Sylar limps off and runs into Eden. He is about ready to hurt her when she tells him. He doesn't want to hurt her, all she wants to do is talk. He lowers his hand and stands still. Eden tells him to go to sleep and as he drifts down to the ground, the large Haitian grabs him.
I didn't want it to end! Every episode keeps you wanting more. Next week we find out why they are they way they are. So cool!
Some questions that came up:
Why does Jessica hate DL so much that she set him up with Lenderman and then stole the money when its obvious that Niki loves him so much?
What happened with Chandra Suresh that makes Sylar want to kill the others with powers?
Why is Audrey so obsessed with finding Sylar?
What happened to Shanti that made Chandra obsessed? Why did he keep it from Mohinder? What other secrets did he keep from Mohinder?
What is Claire's father really up to?
Who exactly is Lenderman and why does he seem to be pulling unseen strings?
Does Peter and Nathan's mom really know more than she is letting on?
I guess we'll find out the answers to these questions as the Heroes saga unfolds. Next episode is next Monday, November 28 at 9/8 Central.
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