Last Wednesday, November 15, Medium had its 2 hour season premier. I have been watching Medium since the beginning so I am used to all the weird twists and turns but I have to admit that this episode was really weird!
Everyone dreams. That was the premise of this episode. Allison's dreams help her help the District Attorney solve crimes. Okay, so far so good but when her dream has nothing to do with the crime, what's a girl to do?
Allison gets a call that a family: father, mother, kids, dog; have all been brutally murdered in their own home. Nothing seems to be missing.
Allison returns home to find a disheveled man on her front porch. She calls the cops and then realizes that the man is her old high school boyfriend, Clay. (Played by Patricia Arquette's real-life husband, Thomas Jane.) It is good to see him but Allison soon gets the feeling that he might be dead. When she turns around, he's gone. Allison tells Joe that she saw Clay and thinks that he doesn't know he is dead. Joe wants to know why he showed up here instead of going wherever he needed to go.
Allison hopes she'll dream something that will help with the investigation but instead she dreams about a boy sleeping in the back seat of a mini van when it is driven off the road. The boy and his mother end up upside-down in a body of water and drown. Her daughter, Bridget, has the same dream, only a cartoon version nightmare.
The next morning, Allison tells Detective Scanlon only to find out he is already working on the same case. Allison is upset that she had the dream if she wasn't able to save the woman and her son. Joe reminds her that she has these dreams for a reason, she just needs to be patient for them to reveal itself.
Joe tells Allison that he has been feeling "arctic, cold air" all day. Convinced that he is sick, Allison tells Joe to go to bed. The chill he felt was Clay. This time he knows he's dead and tells Allison that she is his biggest regret. Joe comes back out to the living room and Clay is gone when Allison turns around.
More dreams. Bridget is afraid to go back to sleep because of the scary "Monkeyheads" dream she keeps dreaming. (Which is pretty scary and gorey, even for a cartoon.)
Allison tells the District Attorney that she knows the woman and her son were driven off the road by a black SUV even though Dectective Scanlon says there isn't enough evidence to support that theory. Allison tells them that her daughter dreamed it too but it quickly gets thrown out the window when she tells the two men that Bridget dreamt a cartoon version.
Allison is angry and rants to Joe about District Attorney Devalos. She gets so worked up she forgets the girls are in the same room and says "my daughter can't help what she dreams when someone reaches out to her... Oh, no! We're not accepting cartoon dreams today!" She tells the girls she's not talking about anyone and goes to take a bath.
Allison falls asleep in the bath and Joe comes in to wake her up. She turns of the hot water to warm up her bath when Clay appears. He has been there the whole time which makes Allison mad. She tells him he can't just hang around her house. Clay tells Allison that he likes the feeling her house gives him, that he likes the girls. Allison tells him "I have a husband!" Joe comes back into the bathroom, telling Allison that its just not fair how sexy she looks all wet. Clay makes a remark that embarrasses Allison. Clay tells her that he'll go if she says "Clay, I want you to go." So she tells him "Clay, I want you to go!" Joe freaks out when he finds out that Clay had been in the bathroom with them and is angry that Allison had seen him before and didn't tell Joe. He's jealous of Allison's ex-boyfriend, even if he is dead. (Which I found sweet.)
To make a long, 2 hour episode short, Allison finally figures out that the men who killed that family, broke into another home and shot the occupant were the same men that ran the woman and her son off the road. Come to find out that the woman was painting copies of priceless paintings and the men would then break into the house, kill the occupants and switch out the paintings.
The story seems to end when the men break into another home with priceless art and are shot dead in their tracks but Allison is still having dreams. She takes the painting from the first house, takes it to the man who shot the men since he was an art dealer to see if the painting was real or a copy. On her way, Clay shows up in her car and tells Allison he knows what she needs to know. He tells her to mark the painting so she put his initials in indelible ink on the back. When District Attorney Devalos calls the man back in to go over a few more details of the shooting, they hit the man with a double-whammy. Yes, the painting he verified as genuine was genuine but it wasn't the same painting Allison took to him and tells about the marking.
So everything is back to normal or so they seem. What is normal anyway?
What I really liked about this episode was Joe's jealously over the dead boyfriend. Here they have been married for 13+ years with 3 daughters and he's still fighting for his wife. The scene where he feels the cold air and tells Clay "She's mine!" It was very sweet.
Tomorrow, November 22, "Be Kind, Rewind" airs at 10/9 Central.
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