Medium is back to normal, Yeah! Well as normal as it can get considering...
In this episode, Allison keeps having the same dream over and over, which makes for a really long night.
She dreams that in the course of her morning, Ariel doesn't want to go to school because a girl wants to "mess up her face", Bridget wants to know what an arraignment is and Joe keeps telling her she needs "endorphins".
Joe cracks me up. Allison wakes up in the middle of the night because of one of her dreams and immediately he thinks "Hey, I'm up, you're up, let's have sex." His speech was priceless. At commercial, I hurried to jot it down only to have it memorized by the end of the show. "Sex just isn't sex. Sex is good for you. It releases endorphins which make you happy." Isn't that just like a guy?
Anyway, back on topic. Allison tells Ariel she has to go to school only to get a call from the school nurse, so Allison goes to pick up Ariel and gets in a horrific accident. The car that ran a red light and smashed into her just happens to have a body in the trunk.
Joe and the girls are at the hospital when Allison wakes up. Ariel is blubbering, blaming herself for Allison's accident. Joe tells her what happened and then Allison falls back to sleep. When she wakes up, she calls the nurse to help to the bathroom only to discover that both legs have been amputated. Screaming, she wakes up. It was all a dream.
Next morning, all the same things happen during the course of her morning. Ariel doesn't want to go to school, Bridget wants to know what an arraignment is even the same annoying sales call. Allison tells Joe that she thinks she is going to be in an accident so she calls Detective Scanlon and has him meet her at the intersection where she is supposed to have her accident and then takes a cab. The same black sedan runs the red light and Detective Scalon says "Oh, good. I get to use my siren." He pulls the car over only to discover that the driver is a Federal Court Judge. Allison is perturbed that Scanlon didn't even ask to look in the trunk. To smooth things over, Scanlon tells Allison he'll take her to lunch. On their way to lunch, Allison gets a call from the school nurse that Ariel had been struck by another student. Allison tells Scanlon that she needs to pick Ariel up when he hears a restaurant is being robbed over the police radio and since they are nearby, offers his assistance.
When they arrive on the scene, they are told that a man has 50 something hostages. Allison notices the same black sedan. Another officer that is covering the back of the restaurant, tells the commanding officer that he sees movement but is unsure if it's the hostage taker or a hostage. The man comes out of the building and the sniper takes him down. Scanlon and Allison goes to the back of the restaurant only to find that they shot the wrong man. Allison takes off her jacket and puts pressure over the man's wound, then wakes up.
Allison immediately goes to the closet to find the jacket and is amazed that there isn't a spot ofc blood on it. Exact same morning, except Allison is angry and yells at everyone including Ariel, who she tells that she needs to go to school and be "a bad ass". Joe ends up crouched down by Bridget and they all are just looking at Allison like she lost it. Allison goes to work and tells District Attorney Devalos and Detective Scanlon about her dreams and District Attorney Devalos comes up with a solution: to go to the Federal Court Judge, Judge Whitman, and tell him they are following a lead about a car that matches the description of his car and if he would be so kind to let them look in the trunk. They go to Judge Whitman's office and Allison sees a portrait of the Judge and it's not the same man she's been dreaming about. Detective Scanlon offers to take Allison to lunch so they go to the restaurant that Allison thinks is going to be robbed. While they wait, Allison overhears a table of men asking about Judge Whitman but before she can work it out with Detective Scanlon, an armed gunman enters the restaurant but not before Detective Scanlon tells Allison "This restaurant is not going to be robbed." Because Allison tells Scanlon that the gunman's weapon will jam, he shoots the gunman only to be shot himself because the gunman was wearing a bullet proof vest. Allison screams and then wakes up. It was another dream.
This time around she is very determined. She tells Ariel to stay home and goes to work. She tells District Attorney Devalos about her dreams. She asks him what a man would gain by holding a bunch of Federal Court Judges hostage until 5 PM and he tells her that if the case is time sensitive, it could be thrown out, like his case. Allison tells Devalos about the name of the man who will take the judge's hostage and come to find out, it is the brother-in-law of the man who will be arraigned that afternoon. The man enters the restaurant to find it Detective Scanlon and a bunch of armed police officers. Scanlon tells them that he is wearing a bullet proof vest and to aim for his head.
Allison wakes up and it's Saturday. Case solved, all is well with the world for now and Allison tells Joe that she could use some endorphins.
This episode was really funny. Especially Joe's little speech about endorphins and Allison telling Ariel she needs to be a bad ass. It was along the lines of the first episodes which made me start watching it in the first place. When they get really weird, it's hard to follow. This episode is what good TV is all about.
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