This one is very emotion and similar to my video about John Winchester. It uses clips from All Hell Breaks Loose Parts 1 & 2. This focuses on the brothers relationship and the turmoil Dean feels that prompts him to make the deal with the crossroads demon. The song used is from the Highlander soundtrack, "Who Wants to Live Forever" by Queen.
If you would like to know more about me, click here Justy213
Monday, December 17, 2007
Supernatural Fan Vid #2: Dean Winchester is a Real Good Man
I finally got around to posting more of my fan videos. This one I made for my friend, Bec. It could also be named "The Best of Dean." It does contain clips from season 3, so be forwarned.
The song used is "Real Good Man" by Tim McGraw.
The song used is "Real Good Man" by Tim McGraw.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My Supernatural Fan Vids #1 John Winchester-What Hurts the Most
I've been busy working on my applications for USC so I haven't had time to post my thoughts on The Kids Are Alright, Bad Day at Black Rock, Sin City, Red Sky at Morning, and Fresh Blood. I have finished my three Supernatural fan vids. The first one is John Winchester-What Hurts the Most. It's about John and the love he had for his boys even though he may not have come right out and said the actual words. It's set to the Rascal Flatts song "What Hurts the Most". It's the first fan vid I've ever made and I really enjoyed making it.
fan video,
John Winchester,
Rascal Flatts,
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Supernatural Bedtime Stories Promo Photos
Supernatural episode 4.4, Bedtime Stories, doesn't air for a couple more weeks but here are some promo photos to keep you company until that time.
I don't read spoilers (I like to be surprised.), but from the looks of things, Sam may be making his own deal to save Dean. Boys, Boys, Boys... we have to end this vicious circle. Don't you just love the backlighting for this last photo, though. Very cool!
As always, I get my photos from
Jared Padalecki,
Jensen Ackles,
tv shows
Stargate Atlantis 4.2 Lifeline

Unfortunately, I was unable to watch episode 4.2, Lifeline, on Friday. I did catch the last fifteen minutes in which Carter came to Sheppard's aid and rescued them from The Replicators. Elizabeth, however, is presumed dead since her signal could not be picked up by Carter. So, Atlantis is now on a new planet, undetected by The Replicators.
Next week's episode 4.3, Reunion, has Ronon running for his life when old friends drop in to visit.
Supernatural 3.1 The Magnificent Seven

OMG!! Eric Kripke is a creative genius! I have always sung his praises when it comes to his writing but he really outdid himself for the premier episode of Supernatural which aired Thursday, October 4th.
Of course, we all know that Sam and Dean couldn't stop the Yellow-Eyed-Demon from unleashing a legion of demons from hell but what we didn't know is what kind of ancient evil actually got out of hell. We were given a "sneak-peek" of sorts when Sam, Dean and Bobby go up against the "Seven Deadly Sins" which, according to legend, are not just sins but demons that bring out the worst in people.
What I loved most about this episode, besides Eric Kripke's genius, was the way Bobby has just become this awesome moral compass, not only for Sam and Dean but also for other hunters. He keeps his wits about him and doesn't let his emotions get the best of him. He is the level-headed voice of reason that keep everyone around him from getting killed. Jim Beaver is an excellent actor and the chemistry between him and Jensen and Jared is terrific.
What I didn't really like, but you can't hate him for it, is the regression of Dean's emotional state. In season one, Dean was the fun-loving, kinda sleazy, womanizing yet totally charming guy that we grew to love despite his deficiencies. In season two, Dean (as Sam so eloquently put it) was "twisted and broken" after John sold his soul to save Dean. He became more serious especially with the revelation that he may have to kill Sam if the Yellow-Eyed-Demon had his way and turned Sam evil. Gone was the sleazy Dean and in his place was a very angry and determined man who just wanted to save his brother. Now, with Dean only having one year to live, we have the sleazy Dean back who just wants to live it up and kill some demons along the way. I hate that Dean has reverted to his old ways yet you can't really hate him for it. After all, he is extremely charming.
Another thing I didn't like was the introduction of the girl who saved Sam's butt. There's just something about her that I don't trust. The way the demons knew who she was plus the way she moved when fighting the demons just screams "don't trust her!"
It's too bad that Eric Kripke can't write every single episode. There would be no question about whether or not The CW would cancel the show. He is very good at what he does but I know that it isn't possible to write 23 episodes plus make sure that the show is being run the way you have envisioned it without help. We just need to keep our fingers crossed that this new season will draw in the male viewers that The CW is so desperate to gain.
Episode 3.2, The Kids Are Alright, airs Thursday, October 11th. It looks super creepy and reminiscent of season one.
Eric Kripke,
Jared Padalecki,
Jensen Ackles,
tv shows
Heroes 2.2 Lizards

I have to say that Heroes redeemed itself after episode 2.2, Lizards aired on Monday October 1st. The introduction of Maya and her brother, Alejandro, made more sense, especially since they revealed that he too also has a power that counteracts Maya's. However, the story line that followed Peter was a bit trite. He saves the sister of the man that is holding him against his will and now she will be Peter's new love interest. Hiro's character is always fun to watch. Especially as he decides to save the legend of Kenesai by dressing up as him and saving the swordsman's daughter. Unfortunately, the real Kenesai gets shot with arrows but, low and behold, he too has a ability.
The plot between Noah Bennett and Mohinder Suresh to invade "The Company" is a bit confusing and you know that it's going to cause another chasm between Mr. Bennett and his family, especially Claire, who is still struggling to trust her father. I loved the last scene when Claire, curious about the limits of her ability, cuts her little toe off with her mother's sewing scissors as Claire's classmate, who can fly, peeps in from the window. I was kinda sad to see it end but am relieved that Heroes is still going to be one of the top shows to be reckoned with. Episode 2.3, Kindred, airs Monday, October 8th.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Supernatural 3.3 Bad Day at Black Rock Promo Photos
Here are some promo photos for episode 3.3, Bad Day at Black Rock which airs October 18th. Promo photos are from

Jared Padalecki,
Jensen Ackles,
Season 3,
tv shows
Stargate Atlantis Season 4 Premier "Adrift"

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Heroes 2.1 Four Months Later

Episode 2.1, Four Months Later, was confusing. In the season finale, we were left with all the main characters in the square in New York watching Nathan fly Peter into the atmosphere, where Peter then exploded, in order to save New York from a nuclear disaster. It then picks up four months later, everyone living their own lives and giving no indication to what happened right after Peter "died".
I know that Tim Kring has a way of taking you forward, then back, then forward again, but personally I don't think the season premier lived up to the finale. The only story line that wasn't confusing was the one that followed Hiro as he went back in time to find Kenesai. The other story lines following Matt Parkman, The Bennetts, The Petrellis, and Mohinder Suresh, you had to read-between-the-lines and sort of figure out what must have happened to these people in the four months since they narrowly escape disaster. Plus, introducing the new character of the young Mexican girl, with a terrible power she can't control, seemed out of context. It seemed like they just threw her in for the heck of it. Now, the introduction of the boy who can fly fit into the story line and plot since they introduced him as one of Claire's new classmates who has shown an interest in Claire.
Another confusing factor was the introduction of the symbol that in season one was connected with Kenesai, which was considered good but is now being associated as "evil" due to the fact that Molly, the little girl that can find other people with powers and who Matt Parkman saved from Sylar in season one, is having nightmares about a man and the symbol is linked to this man. Also, at the end of the episode, we see Peter locked in a large container and he has no idea who or what he is. The only link is that same symbol hanging around his neck.
I'm hoping that Tim Kring will shed more light on everything in episode 2.2, Lizards, instead of just building on and then go back to explain things right before the winter hiatus.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Supernatural 3.2 The Kids Are Alright Promo Photos
Here are some promo photos for Episode 3.2, The Kids Are Alright, that airs October 11th.

It looks like little Ben may be following in Dean's footsteps. Hmm... wonder if his mamma wants to confess something??

Jared Padalecki,
Jensen Ackles,
tv shows
Supernatural AC/DC Recap Video

Jared Padalecki,
Jensen Ackles,
tv shows
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Entertainment Weekly's Fall Preview

I'm standing in line at the checkout at my local Safeway last night and right in front of my face is Entertainment Weekly's Special Double Fall Preview issue so I grab it to check if Supernatural was even mentioned. Last year, you were lucky if you saw even a brief nod in Supernatural's direction. I flip the pages to find one paragraph. That was it, one paragraph. In this paragraph, they mention that Eric Kripke said that since Dean only has one year to live, his hedonistic tendencies are going to become more pronounced. That's just code for sex, sex, and more sex.
The introduction of two new female characters was also mentioned. One is supposedly a supernatural bounty hunter and a thief and the second is a hunter. All I know is that the actresses they pick better be able to convey "bad ass" better than Alona Tal when Kripke introduced Jo.
Jo is one of the most hated characters by the fan base at large due mostly to the fact that Jo was portrayed by actress Alona Tal. When you look at Alona Tal - 5'5', 105 pounds soaking wet with tiny spaghetti arms - it's hard to believe that she could kick an ant's butt let alone a demon's. When introducing strong female characters it's hard to convince the audience that she can kick butt and take names when the actress is blonde with big boobs and a perfect manicure. That just isn't reality. It's some man's weird fantasy. I think the fan base would respect or at least tolerate these new characters if they are introduced as pivotal characters needed to progress the plot and not just as eye candy used to up the male viewership. The character of Ellen, Jo's mother, portrayed by actress Samantha Ferris is a perfect example of a strong woman who moves the plot forward and does an excellent job of convincing the audience that she can kick butt and take names -particularly Dean's. (Just in case you think that I'm spewing about this because Dean and Sam are two hot guys and I'm a woman, I feel the exactly same about introducing new male characters as well.) Women who have pulled off tough yet sexy in a realistic way is 1) Jennifer Garner, 2) Jessica Alba, 3) Mila Jovovich, 4) Ali Larter & 5) Kristanna Loken. However, Kristanna Loken does have the big boobs thing going on and wardrobe does work that to her advantage. Sometimes I wonder that she doesn't fall out of her blouse while delivering a roundhouse kick to a bad guy's mid-section.
Last year was a real roller coaster for the boys. Not only do they lose John but John's secret about Sam comes out and the Yellow Eyed Demon plays his hand, almost succeeding in turning Sam evil in order to create a hell on earth. Dean's journey last year was very introspective and he had to put a lot of perspective on his roll in life and as Sam's older brother. I hope that Eric Kripke and his writing team doesn't try to gloss over Dean's sacrifice for Sam with lame porno jokes and sex. They need to concentrate on how to undo the deal Dean made with the demon since the show is about the Winchester Brothers. As much as I adore Jared Padalecki as an actor, I don't think he has the emotional depth to carry the show alone. Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki make an awesome acting duo and you can't have one without the other. I guess we will find out about the next stage of the boys' lives when Supernatural airs on Thursday, October 4th on The CW Network.
If you would like to read the small paragraph EW published, here's the link:,,20054862,00.html
Jared Padalecki,
Jensen Ackles,
tv shows
Friday, September 7, 2007

News is that it will return with all new episodes in January but the bad news is that I think it will be exclusively online. This whole "all television networks going digital" is wreaking havoc with my viewing schedule. Do the network execs think that everyone one owns a computer or better yet, knows how to use it? My mom is going to be up you-know creek without a paddle when I move next year. She barely knows how to navigate out Directv menu.
Anyhow, if you do have a computer (duh... you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't) and know how to use it, keep an eye out for all new Medium.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
My Top Picks of Favorite Summer Shows 2007
1. Painkiller Jane, on the Sci Fi channel starring Kristanna Loken
2. Stargate Atlantis, on the Sci Fi channel
3. Psych, on the USA network
4.Ghost Hunters, on the Sci Fi channel
5. Monk, on the USA network
5. The Starter Wife, on the USA network
6. Greek, on ABC Family channel
7. EurEka, on the Sci Fi channel
8. Burn Notice, on the USA network
9. Destination Truth, on the Sci Fi channel
10. Doctor Who, on the Sci Fi channel
Honorable Mention: Flash Gordon, on the Sci Fi channel
Painkiller Jane,
Stargate Atlantis,
tv shows
Supernatural Season Three Promotional Photos

"The Boys are Back in Town! (The Boys are Back in Town!)" Sing it with me! "The Boys are Back in Tow-ow-own!!"

Jared Padalecki,
Jensen Ackles,
tv shows
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Of course, the show that I'm most excited about is the return of Supernatural. There was some debate this last spring about whether or not it was going to be renewed for a third season but all is well, at least for now. I don't read spoilers so all I know is that there is going to be some major changes in Sam and Dean's life, especially since Dean made a deal and only has one year to live. I can't wait to see what Eric Kripke and his writing staff have up their sleeves and I hope that they can keep the ball rolling yet still maintain the excellence of writing.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
The Dresden Files: The First Four Episodes

WIZARD Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment.
The Dresden Files first aired on January 21, 2007.
Birds of a Feather:
We are first introduced to young Harry whose father was just a regular magician who knows that Harry has special abilities. He tells Harry that they need to keep what Harry can do a secret to keep others from using Harry, like his uncle on his mother's side. We don't know what happened... yet but we do know that Harry was partially raised by his uncle, who was a dark wizard, and that Harry killed him.
Harry is a lone wolf, his only companion is a ancient wizard, Bob, whose spirit is attached to his skull. We also know that Bob had once belonged to Harry's uncle.
In Bird of a Feather, a young boy sees Harry's phone book ad and asks Harry to help him. He tells Harry that there are monsters in his house that want to hurt him and his mom. Harry tells the boy that there are not monsters in his house and sends the boy on his way. Harry doesn't realize that the boy was telling the truth until Harry helps Lt. Murphy in a murder case where the victim was removed of all her skin. Harry knows that its a skin walker and considering that the stolen skin belongs to the boys teacher, Harry goes to the boys house to learn that he has been kidnapped. Come to find out that this boy is magically special and has been protected since the day he was born by Ravens, who are considered magically neutral.
So the boy is safe but Harry still needs to get rid of the skin walker. Bob made a magically booby trap called a Doom Box which disintegrated the skin walker.
The Boone Identity:
Harry is hired by an antiques dealer who believes that the spirit of his daughter, who was murdered a year before when the store was robbed by a convicted felon, is still haunting the shop, trying to communicate with him. Harry goes and at first just believes that its all just about a man trying to hold on to his daughter, that is until the daughter's spirit shows Harry what happened to her.
What was stolen from the antiques dealer was an ancient tablet called the Lock of Anubis and it has the power to give someone the ability to swap bodies with another person. Harry figures out that the felon, Boone, had used the lock to swap bodies with a very rich and prominent man. However, things go wrong when Boone swaps bodies with Lt Murphy and Harry has to figure out how to save Murphy before Boone jumps bodies again since the only way to jump bodies is to kill the body that your in at the time.
Harry figures out how to get Boone out of Murphy's body without killing her, lures Boone back to the antique shop and tricks Boone into placing his hand back on the Lock of Anubis which sends his soul into oblivion.
Hair of the Dog:
This episode starts with a great line. Lt. Murphy calls Harry and asks him: "Do you want to see a dead body?" Harry helps Murphy investigate the murder of a young woman, Mina, who is found naked in a park. The whole thing is weird especially when the FBI shows up and takes over the investigation and bars Harry from giving or receiving information.
Harry takes Bob to the park since Bob can sense the person's energy through their blood and take on the shape of the person temporarily. But instead of showing Harry the dead woman, he shows Harry a very big, scary dog, the woman was a lycanthrope or werewolf.
Come to find out that the FBI agent that took over the investigation was the werewolf that had turned the dead woman into a werewolf in the first place and that her partner was helping her kill those from the same bloodline in order to break the curse but not before she turned the dead woman's roommate, Heather, into a lycanthrope.
Harry know this girl is marked for death so he tries to keep her safe but the FBI agent finds them at Harry's and now Harry has two problems: trying to keep Heather from wolfing out and killing and trying to kill the FBI agent. The FBI agent accidentally kills her partner who had turned into a lycanthrope after Mina scratched him. The curse is broken but at what price?
Harry helps Heather in trying to live with her "disease" but Heather decides to leave town in order to be strong on her own. When Heather leaves Harry's, he is worried that she'll fall of the wagon and he'll have to hunt her down.
Rules of Engagement:
A beautiful young woman walks into Harry's wanting to hire him to find a man that stole money from her aunt. Harry tracks the man down to find a crispy critter instead. Harry can smell brimstone which is a definite sign of demonic activity. And to add insult to injury, the young woman didn't even tell Harry her real name or why she was really looking for this guy.
Come to find out that a major hellion player, Sirota, had turned a young man, Matthew Jacobs, into a hellion and then sent him after the young woman, Caryn, but what Sirota didn't count on was instead of turning Caryn into a hellion, Matthew fell in love with her and wanted to turn back into a human. In order to do this, Matthew needs to do a ritual and he also needed his slave chain so he stole it from Sirota but lost it.
Harry finds the chain and helps Matthew and Caryn but he also needs to get them off the magical radar so they trick Sirota into thinking that he killed Matthew. And a member of the High Counsel, Morgan, also offers them protection by keeping them off the magical radar.
Harry Dresden: Paul Blackthorne
Lt. Connie Murphy: Valerie Cruz
Bob: Terrance Mann
Morgan: Conrad Coates
Kirmani: Raoul Bhaneja
Friday, February 23, 2007
Tall Tales

Tall Tales was the most hilarious episode since Simon Said. Its starts out with the boys at each others throats because for one thing, they can figure out what they are hunting and for another, they each think that the other one messed with their stuff.
They call Bobby hoping that he can help them shed some light on the subject but all Bobby seems to do is play referee while Sam and Dean duke it out verbally.
They tell Bobby that it all started out as a simple investigation of the mysterious death of a professor that took the plunge out of fourth story window. The professor had an office in Crawford Hall that campus legend says is haunted. So they search the building and office, scan it for EMF and nothing. Dead end.
Then a boy is attacked outside of Crawford Hall and when the boys interview him, he tells them that he was abducted by aliens that probed him and made him slow dance.
Bobby thinks that Sam and Dean are making this stuff up but they swear their not. Dean tells Bobby what else could they do, so they keep digging. And while they're investigating, Sam accuses Dean of messing with his computer. Sam asks Dean how he feel if Sam messed with the Impala. Dean threatens Sam that if he did it would be the last thing he did.
The next victim was a research scientist who ends up in pieces. The typical alligator in the sewers legend, so Sam and Dean search the sewers but when Dean comes out, the tires of the Impala are flat as pancakes and Sam's money clip is lying next to the car. Dean comes back to the motel room, confronts Sam for messing with the Impala and they end up fighting.
Bobby tells them that if they had quit fighting each other they would have figured out that they were dealing with a trickster. They figure out that the janitor that let them into the professor's office was the trickster and they try to lure him out into the open by staging a fight in front of Crawford Hall where the janitor is watching from a window.
Dean sneaks back into Crawford Hall later, hears music coming from the auditorium and finds two half naked women sitting on a bed. (Barry White's Can't Get Enough of Your Love... very appropriate.) The trickster tells Dean that its a peace offering, he can have his fun just long enough for the trickster to get out of town. Dean tells the trickster that he can't let him continue to hurt people. The trickster tells Dean that he shouldn't have come alone but that's when Sam and Bobby come in. The trickster conjures a chain saw welding freak to attack Sam and Bobby while the hot babes beat the daylights out of Dean (Extremely ironic) but Dean stakes the trickster and they all get the heck out of there before someone finds the body. The three of them drive off but the final scene is of the dead trickster vanishing but low and behold, another one takes his place.
Born Under A Bad Sign

Dean tries to help Sam figure out where he's been doing for the last week. All the evidence shows a wild sign of Sam that Dean has never seen: smoking menthol cigarettes, drinking excessively, being loud, rowdy and just plain mean. They also find a bloody knife in the car that Sam apparently stole.
They go to a gas station to ask if anyone saw him. After the clerk freaks out and threatens to call the cops, Dean asks the guy which direction Sam went when he finally left the gas station. They head in the same direction. Sam tells Dean to pull on a dirt road and at the end of the road is a house with some high tech surveillance cameras. The house had been broke into and when Sam and Dean go into the house, they find the body of a man. The man turns out to be a hunter, Steve Wandell. Dean spots a video camera in the room that the body is in so they view the footage and it is clearly Sam attacking the man.
Dean is trying to cover their tracks while Sam is still freaking out so Dean trashes the computer so that no can view the same footage and implicate Sam. They head back to the motel room and Sam tells Dean that he needs to kill him. That Dean promised their dad that if Sam turned evil Dean would stop Sam. Sam hands Dean a gun but Dean can't do it. Sam then smashes the gun against Dean's head and leaves.
Dean tracks Sam by the GPS in his cell phone. Sam is in Duluth, Minnesota visiting an old friend, Jo Harvelle. Jo notices a unusual burn on Sam's right forearm. Sam is acting strange and sets Jo on edge. Jo asks Sam to leave and that's when Sam gets angry and attacks Jo. He ties her up and then taunts her by telling her the story of how her father died. He tells her "My daddy shot your daddy in the head."
Dean shows up and Sam gets even madder. He gags Jo and tells Dean that he needs to shoot Sam or Sam will kill Jo. Dean refuses to shoot Sam again but Dean throws holy water on Sam and he steams like a boiling cauldron. Sam is possessed. Dean follows Sam and they stalk each other, each trying to stop the other. The demon in Sam tells Dean that it wants to kill all the hunters and that with Sam as its vehicle, they will just let him right through the door. The demons shoots Dean and gets away. Jo finds Dean and he is alive but the bullet entered his left shoulder. Jo doctors Dean up but is upset when Dean tells her that she can't go with him to track Sam.
The demon shows up on Bobby's doorstep. Bobby lets Sam in and offers him a beer but he put holy water in his beer. Bobby tells the demon " don't try to con a con man" and knocks him out.
Sam/the demon wakes up ties up in a chair and under the devil's trap. Dean is there and they try to exorise the demon but the demon has a trick up its sleeve. The demon is the demon that they exorised out of Meg in the first season. The demon has placed a binding link, the burn on Sam's right forearm. It breaks the devil's trap and attacks Dean and Bobby. The demon is beating the crap out of Dean when Bobby takes a hot poker and burns the mark on Sam's arm, breaking the hold the demon has on Dean.
They are right back at square one. Bobby asks them if the heard of the hunter, Steve Wandell and tells the boys that they need to keep a careful eye because Wandell's buddies are after whoever killed him. Bobby also gives them charms that will fend off demon possession.
Sam tells Dean that he was awake for some of his possession. Sam yells at Dean for not shooting him. Dean tells Sam that when their dad told him to shoot Sam it was only if Dean could save Sam. They end the episode with Dean telling Sam: "You full on had a girl inside you for like a whole week. Its pretty naughty."
Houses of the Holy

Dean is going stir crazy holed up in a dingy motel room since he is a wanted felon. Dean occupies his time by being hopelessly addicted to the Magic Fingers vibrating bed. (Which consists of two of the funniest scenes in the whole episode.)
Dean talks Sam into going to the one of the victims house to see if there is anything off. Sam goes around to the side of the house and opens the door to the basement. They search it and find a fingernail embedded in the wall. They start digging and find a body. So the man really was "evil to his deepest foundations."Meanwhile, across town, an man is visited by an angel promising redemption. The man goes to the home of another man, stabs him in his doorway and then goes to the police to turn himself in.
Dean is having a hard time believing that an angel is really appearing to these people. He believes that its a spirit preying on the weak minded. The only thing that Sam has a hard time believing is how unbelieving Dean is.
Sam and Dean go to the home of the newest murder victim and find secret emails from a thirteen year old girl on the man's computer. They also find the link all the victims have in common, they all go to the same church: Our Lady of the Angels.
They talk to Father Reynolds at the church and find out that a couple months before Father Gregory was murdered on the church steps. Dean thinks that Father Gregory is the vengeful spirit that is telling these people to commit murder but Sam still believes that its an angel. They go to check out Father Gregory's grave when Sam sees a white light appear to him. Sam believes that the angel appeared to him and told him he had a mission. Dean freaks out and tells Dean that until he sees some hard proof of God's will/angels that he's going to think that its the spirit of Father Gregory.
They check out the grave and its covered in wormwood, proof that a spirit is not at rest. Dean tells Sam that in order to know for sure that they do a seance and summon the spirit of Father Gregory. Sam and Dean buy the ingredients they need for the seance when Sam sees the "sign" behind the man that Sam is supposed to stop. Dean follows the guy and tells Sam to go to the church and perform the seance.
Sam is in the middle of performing the seance when Father Reynolds of the church walks in on him. Sam tries to explain what he is going when the bright, white light appears but it quickly materializes into the form of Father Gregory. Father Gregory tells Sam and the Father that he had come back to answer Father Reynold's prayers for deliverance, that he is an angel. Sam and Father Reynolds tell Father Gregory that he's not an angel, just a man and that he needs to be at rest. Father Reynolds gives Father Gregory his last rites and his spirit is finally at rest.
Dean follows the man that Father Gregory told Sam to stop, he picks up a young woman and they continue on their way. The man stops the car in a back ally and attacks the woman. Dean stops the man and pulls the woman out of the car but the man drives away. Dean follows the man in a high speed chase. Dean catches up with the man's car when a pick-up truck swerves in front of the man's car. A long, metal rod flies off the back of the truck and impales the man Dean was chasing, right through the windshield and the back of the seat. Dean cannot believe what he just saw.
Dean meets Sam back at the motel room. Sam tells Dean that he was right, that it wasn't an angel but Dean is still shaken up by what he saw. He tells Sam what he saw and that if he didn't see it with his own eyes he wouldn't have believed it. Sam asks him what he saw and Dean replies: "Maybe... God's Will."
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Nightshifter has Sam and Dean up against another shapeshifter. Their first encounter was in the season one episode, Skin.
Sam and Dean investigate a string of robberies where it looks like employees rob various institutions (jewelry store, banks, etc.) stash the pilfered items and then commit suicide.
They talk to Ronald Resnik, a bank employee whose friend, Juan, robbed the bank. Ronald tells Sam and Dean that his friend did not rob the bank but a "mandroid" that looked like his friend. Ronald tells Sam and Dean that if the authorities won't do something about the "mandroid" then he would. Sam tells Ronald that there is no such thing as "mandroids" and that his friend robbed the bank, end of story. When Dean asks Sam about why he was so harsh, Sam tells him "better to stay in the dark and stay alive."
They figure out which bank that the shapeshifer may hit next, so Sam and Dean pretend to be security camera technicians in order to spot the shapeshifter. Right after they spot it, Ronald shows up, locks the bank and pulls a gun on everyone.
Sam and Dean try to calm Ronald down but it doesn't work. Dean finally tells Ronald that the bank manager has the "laser eyes". Dean talks Ronald into taking Dean as a hostage while everyone else gets into the vault. Dean and Ronald find the shed skin of the shapeshifer which makes tracking it harder. Dean also tells Ronald that its not a "mandroid" but a shapeshifter and that silver is the only thing that will kill it. Meanwhile, the SWAT team is called to the bank since they think its a robbery.
Dean is trying to keep everything in check but Sam freaks out when he realizes the cops are outside, considering Dean is wanted by the police. The situation goes from bad to worse when Ronald gets shot and an FBI agent, Victor Hendrickson shows up on the scene and he knows an awful lot about Dean, Sam and John Winchester.
The clock is running out and the shapeshifter is always one step ahead of Dean and Sam. They think that the shapeshifer is masquerading as a young woman that is with the other hostages in the vault but come to find out that the shapeshifter actually made itself look like the dead woman. Dean fights with the shapeshifter and stabs it with a silver letter opener. Okay, one problem solved, now to figure out an escape plan.
The SWAT team enters the bank, searches the bank for Sam and Dean and just when you think that this is the end of the road for the Winchesters, they escape by attacking two SWAT team members and stealing their clothes.
The song Renegade by Styxx plays as the last scene shows Dean and Sam making their way to a parking garage where they parked the Impala. Dean sums up the entire situation in one sentence: "We are so screwed."
Monday, February 5, 2007
Heroes - Distractions

At the end of last weeks episode, The Fix, Sylar faked his own death in order to escape from the maxium security lock down that Mr. Bennett put Sylar in. Sylar locks Mr. Bennett in the cell and proceeds to the Bennett home, looking for Claire.
Claire and Zach ditch school in order to visit Claire's biologically mother. Claire shows her mother what she can do and her mother shows Claire that is all in the family.
Peter is still hanging around the invisible guy hoping that he can help Peter control his power so he doesn't end up being a human bomb. The invisible guy ends up throwing him off a 30 story building, hoping Peter will fly. Instead, Peter plummets to the ground below, landing on a taxi cab but instead of dying, Peter regenerates.
Hiro is in big trouble with his father but after showing his father that the company can survive under the leadership of Hiro's sister, they go back to Tokyo. Hiro is still able to continue his mission of saving the world with Ando at his side.
All of this leads up to the startling revelation: Who is Claire's daddy?
After Claire leaves, her mother calls "the father" and it turns out to be none only but Nathan Petrelli, Peter's brother who wants nothing more than to deny not only Peter's powers but his own as well.
Heroes is turning out be very interesting and they are just getting started.
Who's Her Daddy?

Those questions and many others will be answered tonight as Distractions airs on NBC.

Sam and Dean investigate the curious deaths at an old inn in Connecticut. Upon arriving at the inn, Sam notices a Hoodoo "five-spot" and both boys start thinking that the deaths may be linked to Hoodoo.
They also discover that the owner is planning on selling the inn, an old mansion that has been in the family for several generations. Sam and Dean don't know really what to think until the man representing the company who is buying the inn dies by hanging himself from the ceiling fan.
This really upsets Sam who turns to the bar in their room for comfort. Sam feels like a failure since he was unable to save the man, he should have been able to save him and Ava. Sam tells Dean that he feels that if can can save people, then he can save himself from his "destiny".
Dean discovers from the old bartender that the mother of the owner, Rose, had a Creole nanny who more than likely, taught Rose Hoodoo but the theory that the deaths were caused by Hoodoo is quickly dismissed when they go to see Rose and see that she has had a stroke which would make her unable to practice Hoodoo.
Sam and Dean are kicked out of the inn for disturbing Rose but they don't go far. In fact, Sam saves the owner from getting mowed down by her own car. Sam and Dean now know they are dealing with a spirit and that spirit turns out to be Rose's sister, Maggie, who has befriended the owner's daughter.
Now its a race to save the daughter from Maggie who wants her to drown so that they can be together forever. Sam saves the girl just in the nick of time and Maggie leaves everyone alone until they go up to Rose's room and discover that she died.
The owner and her daughter, thank Sam and Dean and leave the inn. Sam and Dean start to take off when Sam brings up the conversation they had while Sam was drunk. Dean reminds Sam that he will always be there to save Sam but Sam also reminds Dean of the promise he made to John.
The very end of the episode shows the two girls, Maggie and Rose, playing together-forever.
Playthings had really good dialogue ("You're bossy... and short." and "The cure for a hangover is a nice greasy pork sandwich served on a dirty ashtray.") and emotion. Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki delivered the lines with perfect timing and execution. I don't think Supernatural would be half as good without these two talented young actors.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Born Under a Bad Sign
To see an exclusive Director's Cut preview, go to:
Don't forget! If you have missed an episode, you can go to
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Most Popular TV Superheroes According to Yahoo!

Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester)- Supernatural came in third.
Unfortunately, the link for this poll is lost in cyber space but here is the link to The CW Supernatural board thread that mentioned the poll:
Hayden Panetteire (Claire Bennett)- Heroes came in fourth.
Tom Welling (Clark Kent) - Smallville was in first place.
Unfortunately, the link for this poll is lost in cyber space but here is the link to The CW Supernatural board thread that mentioned the poll:
Hayden Panetteire (Claire Bennett)- Heroes came in fourth.
Tom Welling (Clark Kent) - Smallville was in first place.
Monday, January 29, 2007

At the end of Croatoan, Dean admits to Sam that John did tell Dean something before he died and at the beginning of Hunted, Dean reveals the "secret" to Sam.
John knew of Sam's abililties and made Dean promise that if Sam went evil, Dean would kill Sam if necessary.
Sam is furious with Dean for keeping that from him for months and leaves Dean, heading for the roadhouse.
Sam had Ash look for children whose mother's had died in nursury fires on their six month birthday. Ash found four names: Sam, Max, Andy and one other. However, this man had been murdered. Sam heads for Indiana to investigate what happened to this man.
Dean is ticked that Sam took off on him and calls Ellen at the roadhouse. She told Sam that she wouldn't tell Dean where Sam went but changes her mind and tells Dean. Dean takes off after Sam.
While Sam is investigating the murder of this man he runs into Ava, a young woman who has come to tell Sam that she had a premonition that he is going to die. Ava helps Sam break into a psychatrist's office so Sam can steal the murdered man's file. Sam and Ava are listening to the tape of the conversation the man had with the psychatrist when Dean pulls into front of the motel where Sam is staying.
Suddenly, a gun fire is sprayed into Sam's hotel room. Dean sees the man on the roof and attacks him. Its Gordon. Dean fights with Gordon and Gordon ends up knocking Dean out.
Sam and Ava go on top of the roof and Sam knows something is wrong. He gets a phone call and its Dean. Gordon has Dean tied up as bait for Sam. Dean warns Sam by saying "funkytown".
Sam puts Ava in her car and tells her that she'd be safer back at home with her finace.
Meanwhile, Gordon is telling Dean how he killed that man and why he's going to kill Sam... kill Sam before he has the opportunity to turn evil.
Sam sneaks around the back of the shack Gordon is keeping Dean and picks the lock to the back door, knowing its a trap. Dean is gagged and can't warn Sam.
There are two explosions and Dean struggles to free himself to no avail. Gordon goes to the back to make sure that his explosives did their job but Sam set them off with his shoes and attacks Gordon. They fight, Sam knocks Gordon out and frees Dean.
As Sam and Dean are leaving the shack, Gordon starts shooting at them but Sam was one step ahead and had called the police so Gordon is arrested.
Dean calls the roadhouse and yells at Ellen because Gordon had told Dean that "you have your roadhouse connections and I have mine." so Dean wants to know if it was Ellen or Ash that sold out Sam. Ellen said that she knew of at least 10 hunters that could piece Sam's secret together. Dean is not happy but lets Ellen off the hook.
Sam is worried about Ava because he promised her that he'd call and let her know he was alright and she wasn't answering her phone. Sam and Dean go to Ava's to find her gone, her fiance murdered and sulfur on the windowsill. Sam kneels down and picks up Ava's engagement ring, the only thing left.
This brings up some questions: Did demons kill Ava's fiance and kidnap her or did Ava kill her fiance herself? Who was Gordon's roadhouse connections and can we really trust Ellen and Ash?
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Houses of Holy

Supernatural, Houses of Holy, airs Thursday, February 1 on The CW Network.
To see a preview:
The CW Have Added Full Episodes of Supernatural

The CW have now added full episodes of Supernatural online. This is wonderful for people, such as myself, who do not have access to The CW network.
To check out Supernatural:
They currently have episodes from Season 2: Bloodlust, Hunted, Playthings and Night Shifter.
Supernatural Season 2 episodes are also available on iTunes for $1.99 an episode or buy the Season Pass for $34.99
The Dresden Files

The SciFi channel has a new original series called The Dresden Files based on the novels by Jim Butcher. The first two episodes, Birds of a Feather and The Boone Idenity kicked the show off to a good start.
Also, the episodes are avaiable for download on iTunes for $1.99 an episode.
For more information, check out
Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Croatoan is the latest episode of The CW hit, Supernatural. It aired on December 7th, 2006. I have yet to see it so here is a brief recap from
Originally aired: 07/12/2006
Writer: John ShibanDirector: Robert Singer
Guest Stars:
Official CW DescriptionDEAN DECIDES TO TELL SAM "THE SECRET" - After Sam has a vision of Dean killing a young man who seems to be possessed by a demon, the two brothers head off to Oregon to search for answers. They come across a town infected by a deadly virus that drives a person to kill. Sam becomes infected by one of the locals and prepares for his deadly fate, but after nothing happens to him, Dean decides to come clean and reveal what John whispered to him before he died.
Full Synopsis
Dean is aiming a gun at a young man who is tied up in a chair. The man is yelling that it's not in him, but Dean doesn't seem to believe him. He asks the doctor about his blood, but she replies that she can't tell. The man is still pleading with Dean, but in the end he pulls the trigger.
MotelDean enters the room to see Sam rubbing his head, having obviously had another vision.
On the roadDean and Sam are driving. "There are only two towns in the US named Rivergrove," Sam says, and Dean asks how come he's so sure it's the one in Oregon. Sam remembers seeing a picture in his vision. "There was a picture of Crater Lake," he says. "Ok what else?" asks Dean. "I saw dark rooms – people, and a guy tied to a chair." Dean asks if he killed him, and Sam replies yes. "You thought there was something inside him." "What, a demon? Was he possessed?" "I dunno," says Sam. "Well all your visions are tied to the yellow-eyed demon somehow. So was there any black smoke, did we try to exorcise it?" "No, no, nothing. You – you just plugged him, that's it." "Well I'm sure I had a good reason," says Dean, and Sam only answers, "I sure hope so." Dean looks at him. "What does that mean? I mean, I'm not gonna waste an innocent man." Sam looks away. "I wouldn't!" Dean insists. "I never said you would!" answers Sam quickly. "Fine," says Dean. "Fine," says Sam. "Look, we don't know what it is. But whatever it is, that guy in the chair is part of it. So let's find him, and find out what's what." "Fine," Dean replies. "Fine," Sam finishes, looking annoyed.
Town of RivergroveDean and Sam pull up in the town, driving past the same sign that Sam saw in his vision. They park beside the sidewalk and Sam sees a big black man with a fishing rod sitting outside a shop. "He was there," says Sam, and they get out of the car and walk over. "Morning," Dean greets him. "Morning," replies the man, "Can I help you?" "Uh, yeah. Billy Gibbons, Frank Beard, US Marshalls," Dean replies, pulling out his fake badge. The man asks what this is about, and Dean replies that they are looking for someone. "A young man," continues Sam, "Early twenties…" He thinks back about the man in his vision – "with a thin scar right below his hairline." "What did he do?" asks the man, and Sam tells him he did nothing, they're actually looking for someone else and they think he could help them. "He's not in any kind of trouble. Not yet," says Dean, and then notices a tattoo of a coat of arms on the man's arm. "I think maybe you know who he is, Master Sergeant." He tells the man that his father was in the same corps, he was a Corporal. Sam asks if he can help them, and the man replies that Dwayne Tanner has a scar like that, but he's a good kid, he keep his nose clean. "I'm sure he does," says Dean. "You know where he lives?" The sergeant tells them he lives with his family and points in the direction, and the boys leave.
Dean and Sam walk aross the road and when Sam accidentally bumps into a wooden telephone pole, he turns around to look at it, and sees the word 'Croatoan' carved into it. "Hey," he says, and Dean looks back. "Croatoan?" he says. "Roanoke? Lost colony? Ring any bells?" asks Sam. When Dean just looks lost, Sam asks, "Did you pay any attention in history class?" When it becomes apparent that Dean hasn't, Sam goes on Roanoke was one of the first English colonies in America. Late 1500s." "Oh yeah yeah yeah. I do remember that," says Dean. "The only thing they left behind was a single word carved in a tree. Croatoan." "Yeah. There were theories, Indian raid, disease, but nobody knows what really happened. They were all just gone. Wiped out over night." "You don't think that's what's going on here, I mean…" begins Dean. "Whatever I saw in my head, it sure wasn't good," says Sam. "But what do you think could do that?" "Well like I said, all of your weirdo visions are always tied to the yellow eyed demon somehow," says Dean. "We should get help," Sam says. "Bobby. Uh, Ellen maybe?" "Yeah that's a good idea." Dean gets out his cellphone, but he can't get a signal. Sam tries as well, but still nothing on his. Dean then tries a pay phone nearby, but still nothing. "I'll tell you one thing," Dean says, "If I was gonna massacre a town? That'd be my first step."
Dwayne's houseSam and Dean go to Dwayne's house, and when they knock on the door a young man answers it. Dean holds up his US Marshall badge and asks if Dwayne Tanner lives there. "Yeah, he's my brother," the man replies. Dean asks if they can talk to him, but he replies that he's on a fishing trip right now. "Are you parents home?" asks Dean, and the young man replies "Yeah, they're inside." Right then an older man walks up behind Dwayne's brother, and Dean quickly says "US Marshalls, sir. We're looking for your son Dwayne." "Why, he's not in trouble is he?" the father asks. Dean says they just want to ask him some questions, and Sam asks when he'll be back from his trip. "I'm not sure," says the father, and Sam says "Well maybe your wife knows." "Oh I don't know, she's not here right now," the dad replies. "Well your son said she was," Dean replies. "Did I?" the brother says, smiling. "She's out getting groceries," says the father. "So when Dwayne gets back is there a number where he can get a hold of you?" Dean replies that they'll just check back later, and they start down the steps. "That was kinda creepy, right?" Dean says when the others have gone back inside the house. "A little too Stepford?" "Big time," Sam answers. They head around the side of the house and quickly crouch down, creeping along over to a window. Inside, the mother is tied to a chair and gagged. "It's okay, Mom," says the son. "It's not going to hurt." The father pulls out a knife and cuts his son's arm. Dean and Sam watch from a gap in between the curtains, then quickly go to the door, load their guns, and break in. As soon as they get in, the father runs at them with the knife, and Dean shoots him. The son runs and jumps out the window, and although Sam follows and aims at him, he doesn't shoot him and he escapes.
The streetSam and Dean pull up to a small clinic in town, and Sam takes the mother inside. Dean goes to the trunk. Inside, a young nurse comes out when Sam calls for help, and asks what happened. "She's been attacked," Sam replies, and the nurse calls for Dr. Lee. Another woman comes out and says for Sam to bring her in. Dean walks in behind with the father draped over his shoulders. Dr. Lee asks if the father was attacked as well, and Dean says no, he actually did the attacking and then got himself shot. "Shot?" the doctor exclaims. "And who are you?" "US Marshall," Dean replies. "I'd show you my badge but…" "Right, sorry. Bring him back here," the doctor tells him.
"You said Jake helped him?" the doctor asks Mrs. Tanner. "Your son Jake?" Mrs. Tanner nods. "They beat me. And tied me up." "Do you have any idea why they would act this way? Any history of chemical dependency?" "No of course not," she replies. "I don't know why. One minute they were my husband and my son, and then the next, they had the devil in them." Dean asks to talk to Sam in the other room.
"Those guys were whacked out of their gourds," says Dean. "What do you think, multiple demons? Mass possession?" Sam asks. "If it is a possession, there could be more," Dean replies. "Of course that's one way to wipe out a town, you take it from the inside." "I dunno man. We didn't see any of the demon smoke with Tanner, or any of the other usual signs." "Well whatever. Something turned him into a monster." Dean turns to look back at Sam. "And you know if you would've taken out the other one, we'd have one less to worry about." "I'm sorry, alright?" Sam answers. "I hesitated, Dean. It was a kill." "No, it was an it," Dean replies. "Not the best time for a bleeding heart, Sam." The doctor comes out behind them and Sam asks how the patient is. "Terrible!" she replies. "What the hell happened out there?" "We don't know," Dean says. "Yeah? Well you just killed my next door neighbour," Dr. Lee says. "We didn't have a choice," Dean replies. "Yeah well maybe so, but we need the county sheriff," she answers. She says they also need the coroner. Sam says the phones are down, and she says she knows, and asks if they have a police radio in the car. They reply that they do but it's down as well. Dean asks how far it is to the next town, and the doctor tells him 40 miles. Dean says he's going to find help, and tells her that Sam will stick around to keep them safe. "Safe from what?" she asks, and he replies "Let me get back to you on that."
In the ImpalaAfter a little while of driving, Dean comes upon a car in the middle of the road. It is empty, but the windows are broken and there is blood inside. He finds a knife on the ground with blood on it.
ClinicSam is looking at the body of Mr. Tanner while the doctor looks at his blood sample. She tells Sam that apparently the man's body was fighting off a viral infection. "What kind of virus?" asks Sam, but she says she can't tell. Sam asks if an infection can cause people to act like that, but she says not that she's ever heard of. Dementia, yes, but not violence like that. "And I've never seen one that did this to the blood," she continues. "Did what?" asks Sam. "It leaves this weird residue," she replies. "If I didn’t know better, I'd say it was sulphur."
In the ImpalaDean is still driving. He comes up to the bridge, but it is blocked by a bunch of cars, and there are men with guns standing outside. One of them is Jake Tanner. Suddenly a man comes to the window and scares Dean. "Sorry, road's closed," the man says, and Dean replies "Yeah, I can see that. What's up?" "Quarantine," he replies. "Quarantine? For what?" asks Dean. "Don't know. Something going around out there," the man answers. "Yeah, who told you that?" asks Dean. "County sheriff," the man says. "Yeah? Is he here?" "No. He called. Say, why don't you get out of the car and we'll talk a little?" Dean laughs. "You are a handsome devil, but I'm sorry, I don't swing that way." "I'd sure appreciate it if you got out of the car just for a quick minute?" the man says again. "I bet you would," says Dean, and suddenly puts the car in reverse. The man is holding on to Dean's jacket and gets dragged alongside. The others start firing at him, but Dean does some smooth driving and manages to knock the man off and gets away without a scratch.
Clinic"I don't understand," Mrs. Tanner is saying. "Are you saying my husband and Jake had a disease?" "That's what we're trying to figure out," replies Dr. Lee. "Now, during the attack, do you remember, did you have any direct contact with their blood?" "Oh my God. You don't think I've got this virus, do you?" "Beverley, I don't know what to think. But with your permission, I'll take a blood sample." Mrs. Tanner nods, but when Dr. Lee pats her hand and then takes her wrist, she suddenly begins to scream and throws the doctor aside, then throws Sam aisde as well, amazingly strong. She comes at Sam again with a pair of scissors but Sam hits her over the head with a fire extinguisher, and she is knocked out.
In the ImpalaDean is still driving, looking for help. He glances back over his shoulder, and when he looks back forward, there's a man standing in front of him, the same black man as earlier. He's pointing a gun at Dean, and he tells him to put his hands where he can see them and get out of the car. Dean slowly gets out but as soon as he's out he whips out a gun and tells the man to drop his gun. "Put it down!" yells the other man. "You put it down!" yells Dean. "Are you one of them?" yells the man. "No, are you?" Dean yells back. "No!" "You could be lying!" "So could you!" Finally Dean takes one hand off his gun. "Alright. We could do this all day. Let's just take it easy before we kill each other." They slowly lower their guns a little. "What the hell is going on with everybody?" asks the other man. "I don't know," says Dean. "My neighbour, Mr. Rogers –" begins the man "You've got a neighbour named Mr. Rogers?" Dean asks. "Not anymore," finishes the other man. "He came at me with a hatchet. I put him down. He's not the only one, it's happening to everyone." Dean says he's heading over to the doc's place, but the other man says he's getting out. Dean tells him there's no way, the bridge is covered, but the other man doesn't believe him. Dean says fine, and gets back in his car. But finally the other man pulls out a smaller gun and gets in the car next to Dean, aiming it at him. Dean is still pointing his pistol at him as well. "Well this ought to be a relaxing drive," he says quietly.
ClinicThe young nurse is beginning to get nervous. "What if we all go crazy?" she says. The doctor replies that they've just got to wait, the Marshall is bringing help. "No, I can't, I've got to go," the nurse says, standing up and heading for the door. "Pam," begins the doctor. "No, you don't understand, my boyfriend's out there, I've got to make sure he's okay," she says, and keeps going. Sam gets up and follows her. He tells her to wait. "I know you're upset, but it's safer if you stay here for now. Help is coming." He hears the Impala's engine and then its door close. "There they are," he says. "Sammy? Open up!" calls Dean. They come inside and Dean says he's going to have a word with Sam, and tells the sergeant the doc's inside. Sam asks Dean what's going on, but Dean doesn't know, he says the sergeant's the only sane person he could find. "What are we dealing with, do you know?" he asks. "Yeah, the doc thinks it's a virus." "Yeah, what do you think?" "I think she's right. And I think the infected are trying to infect others with blood to blood contact. Oh – but it gets better. The virus leaves traces of sulphur in the blood." "A demonic virus?" Dean asks. Sam says yes, at least it explains why he's been having visions. "It's like a biblical plague," Dean says. Sam tells Dean he's been looking through Dad's journal, and John always had a theory on Croatoan. He thought it was a demon's name. A demon of plague, of pestilence. Dean asks why here, why now. Sam doesn't know. He says who knows how far this thing can spread, they've got to get out of here, to warn people. Suddenly the sergeant calls from the other room, saying they’ve got one in there. Dean and Sam run in. "What do you mean?" asks Dean, and Sam explains that the wife is infected. The sergeant says they’ve got to take care of this. "My neighbours, they were strong. The longer we wait, the stronger she'll get." Dean pulls out his gun. "You're gonna kill Beverley Tanner?" cries Pam. Sam asks if there's anyway to cure it, but the doctor doesn't know what it is. They go to the door where the wife is locked in and Sam opens the door. Beverley is sitting in the corner. "Mark, what are you doing?" she cries. "Mark, they locked me in here, it's them that are infected. Mark, please!" The sergeant hesitates, and Dean asks if Sam is sure she's infected. Sam nods, and Dean steps in front and shoots her.
Mark looks outside through the blinds, he can see people standing out there, waiting. Dean and Sam are loading guns. Sam looks at Dean for a minute but says nothing. Pam accidentally drops a vial of blood and panicks, thinking she got some on her, but she is fine. "Why are we staying here? Please let's just go," she says. "No, we can't, those things are everywhere," Dean argues. "She's right about one thing," says Sam. "We can't stay here, we've got to get to the roadhouse, somewhere. Let people know what's coming." "Yeah you got a point. Night of the Living Dead didn't exactly end pretty," says Dean. The sergeant says that he doesn't think they have a choice, as lots of people up here are good with rifles, they'd be easy targets. "So unless you've got some explosives," he says. Sam and Dean eye the alcohol and other chemicals on the shelves, and Sam says they can make some. Suddenly they hear banging on the door and a man's voice calling, "Let me in please!" The sergeant opens the door and a young man comes inside. "Dwayne, you okay?" asks the sergeant. "That's the guy that I – uh – " Dean makes a motion at his throat, and Sam nods. Dean asks the doctor to test his blood. Mark asks Dwayne where he's been, and Dwayne tells him he was on a fishing trip. He tells them he saw one of his neighbours getting attacked by people. "Has anybody seen my mom and dad?" he asks. "Awkward," Dean says quietly. The doctor finds a cut on Dwayne's arm, and when Dean asks where he got it, he replies that he was running, he must have tripped. Dean tells the sergeant to tie him up, there's rope in the other room. "Wait," says Dwayne, starting to stand up, but Dean aims a gun at him. "Did they bleed on you?" asks Dean. "No," says Dwayne. Sam asks if there's any way to check if he has the virus. Dr. Lee replies that she studied Beverley's blood work, and it took three hours for the virus to incubate. She says there'd be no way of knowing, not until he turned. Sam says he has to talk to Dean, and they leave. The sergeant begins to tie up Dwayne.
"This is my vision, Dean. It's happening," Sam says. "Yeah I figured," Dean replies. "You can't kill him, alright? Not yet. We don’t know if he's infected or not." "Oh I think we're pretty damn sure," Dean argues. "Guy shows up middle of nowhere, got a cut on his leg, whole family's infected?" "Alright, then we should keep him tied up and wait and see," Sam insists. "For what? For him to Hulk out? Try to infect somebody else? No thanks, can't take that chance." He starts to walk past Sam, but Sam stops him. "Hey look man, I'm not happy about this, alright? But it's a tough job, you know that." "It's supposed to be tough, Dean!" says Sam. "We're supposed to struggle with this, that's the whole point!" "What does that buy us?" asks Dean. "A clear consience, for one!" says Sam. "Too late for that," says Dean, starting to walk away again. "What the hell's happened to you?" yells Sam. "What?" Dean stops. "You might kill an innocent man, and you don't even care," Sam goes on. "You don't act like yourself anymore, Dean. Hell you know, you're acting like one of those things out there." Dean pushes past him and when Sam tries to stop him again, Dean shoves him aside and goes into the other room, locking the door behind him. Sam yells for him to unlock it, but Dean just pulls out his gun and aims it at Dwayne, who is tied up now. Dwayne starts pleading with Dean, but Dean doesn't believe him. The doctor says she can't tell if it's in him or not. Mark says maybe he's telling the truth, but Dean still doesn't believe him. He raises the gun again, saying "I got no choice." Dwayne continues to plead with Dean, and Dean's finger presses the trigger a little, but he doesn't pull it. "Dammit," he says, he can't do it.
Later, the boys are making explosives. The doctor comes up to them and tells them that it's been over four hours and Dwayne's blood is still not infected. She says she thinks he's fine, and she'd like to untie him. Sam says that's fine. Sam turns to Dean and says, "You know I'm going to ask you why." "Yeah I know." "So, why? Why didn't you do it?" "We need more alcohol," Dean says, and Sam stands up to get it. He goes into the other room and asks Pam how she's holding up. "Good," she says. "It'll all be over soon." She closes the door behind Sam and locks it. "In fact," she says, "I've been waiting for this the whole time. To get you alone." She suddenly jumps on Sam, and then cuts his chest with a knife, then cuts her hand, and presses her hand on his chest. Dean breaks in and shoots her. Sam holds out his hand for Dean to help him up, and Dean moves forward, but Mark stops him. "She bled on him. He's got the virus."
Sam is sitting down, and Dean asks the doctor to check Sam's wound again. Mark gets angry and asks why she has to examine him, he's infected. "You know what we have to do," he says. "Nobody's shooting my brother," yells Dean. "It's not gonna be your brother much longer," says Dwayne. "Nobody's shooting anybody," Dean says. "You were gonna shoot me!" yells Dwayne. "You don't shut your piehole, I still might!" Dean yells back. "Dean," says Sam, "They're right. I'm infected. Just gimme the gun, I'll do it myself." "Forget it," Dean says. "Dean, I am not going to become one of those things," Sam argues. "Sam, we've still got some time," Dean says. "Time for what?" Mark cuts in. "Look, I know he's your brother, and I'm sorry, I am. But I gotta take care of this." He pulls out a gun. "I'm gonna say this one time. You make a move on him, you'll be dead before you hit the ground, you understand me?" Dean says. "Do I make myself clear?" "Then what are we supposed to do?" Dean suddenly takes his keys out of his pocket and tosses them at Mark. "Get the hell out of here, that's what. Take my car. You've got the explosives, there's an arsenal in there, you two go with him. You've got enough fire power to handle anything now." "What about you?" asks Mark. Dean doesn’t answer. "Dean, no, no, go with them," says Sam. "This is your only chance." "You're not gonna get rid of me that easily," says Dean. "He's right, come with us," says Mark. Dean doesn't move. "Okay, it's your funeral," he says, and they leave. The doctor stops before she leaves. "I'm sorry. Thanks for everything, Marshalls." "Um, actually we're not really Marshalls," says Dean. "Oh," she says. She leaves, and Dean locks the door behind her. He turns around back to Sam. "I wish we had a deck of cards, and a fooz ball table or something." "Dean, don’t do this," says Sam. "Just get the hell out of here." "No way," replies Dean."Gimme the gun, and leave," Sam orders, starting to cry. "For the last time, Sam, no." Sam slams his hand on the table. "This is the dumbest thing you've ever done." Dean makes a face. "I don’t know about that. Remember that waitress in Tampa?" He shudders. "Dean, I'm sick," says Sam. "It's over for me. It doesn't have to be for you." "No?" "No, you can keep going." "Who says I want to?" Dean says suddenly. "What?" Sam gapes at him. Dean sits down. "I'm tired, Sam. I'm tired of this job… this life. This weight on my shoulders, man, I'm tired of it." "So what, you're just gonna give up? You're just gonna lay down and die? Look, Dean, I know this stuff with Dad had –" "You're wrong," Dean interrupts. "It's not about Dad. I mean part of it is, sure, but –" "Then what is it about?" They hear the door open outside and someone knocks on the door. It's the doctor. "You better come see this," she says.
Outside the clinicOutside it’s silent. "There's no one, not anyone. Not anywhere. They've all just – vanished," says the doctor.
Clinic"Well, it's been five hours, and your blood's still clean," says the doctor to Sam. "I don't understand it, but I think you dodged a bullet." "But I was exposed. How could I not be infected?" Sam asks. "I don't know," Dr. Lee replies. "But you're just not. I mean, compare it with the Tanner samples…" She looks through the microscope. "What the hell?" "What?" asks Sam. "Their blood. There's no trace of the virus. No sulphur, nothing."
Outside the clinicDwayne and the sergeant are leaving, going south. Dwayne says the doc should come, but she says she needs to talk to the authorities, if they'll believe her. "What about him?" asks Dean about Sam. "He's going to be fine," she says. "No signs of infection." "Hey man, don't look at me," says Sam when Dean looks at him weird. "I got no clue." "I swear, I'm gonna lose sleep over this one," says Dean. "I mean, why here, why now? Where the hell did everybody go? It's not like they just freakin' melted." "And why was I immune?" wonders Sam. "Yeah, that's a good question," says Dean. "You know I'm already starting to feel like this is the one that got away?" He gets in the car and Sam follows.
Somewhere on the roadThe sergeant and Dwayne are driving. "You mind pulling over up ahead there?" says Dwayne, and Mark obliges. "I gotta make a call," says Dwayne. "No phone out here," says Mark. "I got it covered," replies the younger man. "What the hell is that?" asks Mark, and suddenly Dwayne cuts his throat, and catches the blood in a silver cup, one that looks the same as the one that Meg had all that time ago. He stirs his hand in it. "It's over, you'll be pleased," he says. "I don't think any more tests are necessary. The Winchester boy, definitely immune, as expected. Yes. Of course. Nothing left behind." His eyes go black.
Somewhere by a lakeSam and Dean are leaning on a fence by a lake, having some drinks. "So, last night, you wanna tell me what the hell you were talking about?" Sam asks. "What do you mean?" asks Dean. "What do I mean? I mean you said you were tired of the job. And that it wasn't just because of Dad." "Forget it," says Dean. "No, I can't. No way," Sam argues. "Well, man, I thought we were both gonna die. You can't hold that over me." "No, no no no. You can't pull that crap with me, man. You're talking," Sam says. "And what if I don't?" "Then I guess I'll just have to keep asking until you do." "I don't know, man," says Dean, turning around. "I just think we ought to… go to the Grand Canyon." "What?" said Sam incredulously. "Yeah, I mean, all this driving back and forth cross country and you know I've never been to the Grand Canyon? Or we could go to TJ. Or Hollywood! See if we could bang Lindsay Lohan." "You're not making any sense," Sam says. "I just think we should take a break from all this. Why do we get stuck with all the responsibility, you know? Why can't we live life a bit?" "Why you saying all this?" asks Sam, and Dean stands up and starts to walk away. "No no no no. Dean, you're my brother, alright? So whatever weight you're carrying, let me help a little bit." "I can't," says Dean. "I promised." "Who?" asks Sam. "Dad," replies Dean. "What're you talking about?" Sam asks. "Right before Dad died, he told me something," begins Dean. "He told me something about you." "What?" says Sam. "Dean, what did he tell you?"
Synopsis by Deanandhisimpala
Originally aired: 07/12/2006
Writer: John ShibanDirector: Robert Singer
Guest Stars:
Official CW DescriptionDEAN DECIDES TO TELL SAM "THE SECRET" - After Sam has a vision of Dean killing a young man who seems to be possessed by a demon, the two brothers head off to Oregon to search for answers. They come across a town infected by a deadly virus that drives a person to kill. Sam becomes infected by one of the locals and prepares for his deadly fate, but after nothing happens to him, Dean decides to come clean and reveal what John whispered to him before he died.
Full Synopsis
Dean is aiming a gun at a young man who is tied up in a chair. The man is yelling that it's not in him, but Dean doesn't seem to believe him. He asks the doctor about his blood, but she replies that she can't tell. The man is still pleading with Dean, but in the end he pulls the trigger.
MotelDean enters the room to see Sam rubbing his head, having obviously had another vision.
On the roadDean and Sam are driving. "There are only two towns in the US named Rivergrove," Sam says, and Dean asks how come he's so sure it's the one in Oregon. Sam remembers seeing a picture in his vision. "There was a picture of Crater Lake," he says. "Ok what else?" asks Dean. "I saw dark rooms – people, and a guy tied to a chair." Dean asks if he killed him, and Sam replies yes. "You thought there was something inside him." "What, a demon? Was he possessed?" "I dunno," says Sam. "Well all your visions are tied to the yellow-eyed demon somehow. So was there any black smoke, did we try to exorcise it?" "No, no, nothing. You – you just plugged him, that's it." "Well I'm sure I had a good reason," says Dean, and Sam only answers, "I sure hope so." Dean looks at him. "What does that mean? I mean, I'm not gonna waste an innocent man." Sam looks away. "I wouldn't!" Dean insists. "I never said you would!" answers Sam quickly. "Fine," says Dean. "Fine," says Sam. "Look, we don't know what it is. But whatever it is, that guy in the chair is part of it. So let's find him, and find out what's what." "Fine," Dean replies. "Fine," Sam finishes, looking annoyed.
Town of RivergroveDean and Sam pull up in the town, driving past the same sign that Sam saw in his vision. They park beside the sidewalk and Sam sees a big black man with a fishing rod sitting outside a shop. "He was there," says Sam, and they get out of the car and walk over. "Morning," Dean greets him. "Morning," replies the man, "Can I help you?" "Uh, yeah. Billy Gibbons, Frank Beard, US Marshalls," Dean replies, pulling out his fake badge. The man asks what this is about, and Dean replies that they are looking for someone. "A young man," continues Sam, "Early twenties…" He thinks back about the man in his vision – "with a thin scar right below his hairline." "What did he do?" asks the man, and Sam tells him he did nothing, they're actually looking for someone else and they think he could help them. "He's not in any kind of trouble. Not yet," says Dean, and then notices a tattoo of a coat of arms on the man's arm. "I think maybe you know who he is, Master Sergeant." He tells the man that his father was in the same corps, he was a Corporal. Sam asks if he can help them, and the man replies that Dwayne Tanner has a scar like that, but he's a good kid, he keep his nose clean. "I'm sure he does," says Dean. "You know where he lives?" The sergeant tells them he lives with his family and points in the direction, and the boys leave.
Dean and Sam walk aross the road and when Sam accidentally bumps into a wooden telephone pole, he turns around to look at it, and sees the word 'Croatoan' carved into it. "Hey," he says, and Dean looks back. "Croatoan?" he says. "Roanoke? Lost colony? Ring any bells?" asks Sam. When Dean just looks lost, Sam asks, "Did you pay any attention in history class?" When it becomes apparent that Dean hasn't, Sam goes on Roanoke was one of the first English colonies in America. Late 1500s." "Oh yeah yeah yeah. I do remember that," says Dean. "The only thing they left behind was a single word carved in a tree. Croatoan." "Yeah. There were theories, Indian raid, disease, but nobody knows what really happened. They were all just gone. Wiped out over night." "You don't think that's what's going on here, I mean…" begins Dean. "Whatever I saw in my head, it sure wasn't good," says Sam. "But what do you think could do that?" "Well like I said, all of your weirdo visions are always tied to the yellow eyed demon somehow," says Dean. "We should get help," Sam says. "Bobby. Uh, Ellen maybe?" "Yeah that's a good idea." Dean gets out his cellphone, but he can't get a signal. Sam tries as well, but still nothing on his. Dean then tries a pay phone nearby, but still nothing. "I'll tell you one thing," Dean says, "If I was gonna massacre a town? That'd be my first step."
Dwayne's houseSam and Dean go to Dwayne's house, and when they knock on the door a young man answers it. Dean holds up his US Marshall badge and asks if Dwayne Tanner lives there. "Yeah, he's my brother," the man replies. Dean asks if they can talk to him, but he replies that he's on a fishing trip right now. "Are you parents home?" asks Dean, and the young man replies "Yeah, they're inside." Right then an older man walks up behind Dwayne's brother, and Dean quickly says "US Marshalls, sir. We're looking for your son Dwayne." "Why, he's not in trouble is he?" the father asks. Dean says they just want to ask him some questions, and Sam asks when he'll be back from his trip. "I'm not sure," says the father, and Sam says "Well maybe your wife knows." "Oh I don't know, she's not here right now," the dad replies. "Well your son said she was," Dean replies. "Did I?" the brother says, smiling. "She's out getting groceries," says the father. "So when Dwayne gets back is there a number where he can get a hold of you?" Dean replies that they'll just check back later, and they start down the steps. "That was kinda creepy, right?" Dean says when the others have gone back inside the house. "A little too Stepford?" "Big time," Sam answers. They head around the side of the house and quickly crouch down, creeping along over to a window. Inside, the mother is tied to a chair and gagged. "It's okay, Mom," says the son. "It's not going to hurt." The father pulls out a knife and cuts his son's arm. Dean and Sam watch from a gap in between the curtains, then quickly go to the door, load their guns, and break in. As soon as they get in, the father runs at them with the knife, and Dean shoots him. The son runs and jumps out the window, and although Sam follows and aims at him, he doesn't shoot him and he escapes.
The streetSam and Dean pull up to a small clinic in town, and Sam takes the mother inside. Dean goes to the trunk. Inside, a young nurse comes out when Sam calls for help, and asks what happened. "She's been attacked," Sam replies, and the nurse calls for Dr. Lee. Another woman comes out and says for Sam to bring her in. Dean walks in behind with the father draped over his shoulders. Dr. Lee asks if the father was attacked as well, and Dean says no, he actually did the attacking and then got himself shot. "Shot?" the doctor exclaims. "And who are you?" "US Marshall," Dean replies. "I'd show you my badge but…" "Right, sorry. Bring him back here," the doctor tells him.
"You said Jake helped him?" the doctor asks Mrs. Tanner. "Your son Jake?" Mrs. Tanner nods. "They beat me. And tied me up." "Do you have any idea why they would act this way? Any history of chemical dependency?" "No of course not," she replies. "I don't know why. One minute they were my husband and my son, and then the next, they had the devil in them." Dean asks to talk to Sam in the other room.
"Those guys were whacked out of their gourds," says Dean. "What do you think, multiple demons? Mass possession?" Sam asks. "If it is a possession, there could be more," Dean replies. "Of course that's one way to wipe out a town, you take it from the inside." "I dunno man. We didn't see any of the demon smoke with Tanner, or any of the other usual signs." "Well whatever. Something turned him into a monster." Dean turns to look back at Sam. "And you know if you would've taken out the other one, we'd have one less to worry about." "I'm sorry, alright?" Sam answers. "I hesitated, Dean. It was a kill." "No, it was an it," Dean replies. "Not the best time for a bleeding heart, Sam." The doctor comes out behind them and Sam asks how the patient is. "Terrible!" she replies. "What the hell happened out there?" "We don't know," Dean says. "Yeah? Well you just killed my next door neighbour," Dr. Lee says. "We didn't have a choice," Dean replies. "Yeah well maybe so, but we need the county sheriff," she answers. She says they also need the coroner. Sam says the phones are down, and she says she knows, and asks if they have a police radio in the car. They reply that they do but it's down as well. Dean asks how far it is to the next town, and the doctor tells him 40 miles. Dean says he's going to find help, and tells her that Sam will stick around to keep them safe. "Safe from what?" she asks, and he replies "Let me get back to you on that."
In the ImpalaAfter a little while of driving, Dean comes upon a car in the middle of the road. It is empty, but the windows are broken and there is blood inside. He finds a knife on the ground with blood on it.
ClinicSam is looking at the body of Mr. Tanner while the doctor looks at his blood sample. She tells Sam that apparently the man's body was fighting off a viral infection. "What kind of virus?" asks Sam, but she says she can't tell. Sam asks if an infection can cause people to act like that, but she says not that she's ever heard of. Dementia, yes, but not violence like that. "And I've never seen one that did this to the blood," she continues. "Did what?" asks Sam. "It leaves this weird residue," she replies. "If I didn’t know better, I'd say it was sulphur."
In the ImpalaDean is still driving. He comes up to the bridge, but it is blocked by a bunch of cars, and there are men with guns standing outside. One of them is Jake Tanner. Suddenly a man comes to the window and scares Dean. "Sorry, road's closed," the man says, and Dean replies "Yeah, I can see that. What's up?" "Quarantine," he replies. "Quarantine? For what?" asks Dean. "Don't know. Something going around out there," the man answers. "Yeah, who told you that?" asks Dean. "County sheriff," the man says. "Yeah? Is he here?" "No. He called. Say, why don't you get out of the car and we'll talk a little?" Dean laughs. "You are a handsome devil, but I'm sorry, I don't swing that way." "I'd sure appreciate it if you got out of the car just for a quick minute?" the man says again. "I bet you would," says Dean, and suddenly puts the car in reverse. The man is holding on to Dean's jacket and gets dragged alongside. The others start firing at him, but Dean does some smooth driving and manages to knock the man off and gets away without a scratch.
Clinic"I don't understand," Mrs. Tanner is saying. "Are you saying my husband and Jake had a disease?" "That's what we're trying to figure out," replies Dr. Lee. "Now, during the attack, do you remember, did you have any direct contact with their blood?" "Oh my God. You don't think I've got this virus, do you?" "Beverley, I don't know what to think. But with your permission, I'll take a blood sample." Mrs. Tanner nods, but when Dr. Lee pats her hand and then takes her wrist, she suddenly begins to scream and throws the doctor aside, then throws Sam aisde as well, amazingly strong. She comes at Sam again with a pair of scissors but Sam hits her over the head with a fire extinguisher, and she is knocked out.
In the ImpalaDean is still driving, looking for help. He glances back over his shoulder, and when he looks back forward, there's a man standing in front of him, the same black man as earlier. He's pointing a gun at Dean, and he tells him to put his hands where he can see them and get out of the car. Dean slowly gets out but as soon as he's out he whips out a gun and tells the man to drop his gun. "Put it down!" yells the other man. "You put it down!" yells Dean. "Are you one of them?" yells the man. "No, are you?" Dean yells back. "No!" "You could be lying!" "So could you!" Finally Dean takes one hand off his gun. "Alright. We could do this all day. Let's just take it easy before we kill each other." They slowly lower their guns a little. "What the hell is going on with everybody?" asks the other man. "I don't know," says Dean. "My neighbour, Mr. Rogers –" begins the man "You've got a neighbour named Mr. Rogers?" Dean asks. "Not anymore," finishes the other man. "He came at me with a hatchet. I put him down. He's not the only one, it's happening to everyone." Dean says he's heading over to the doc's place, but the other man says he's getting out. Dean tells him there's no way, the bridge is covered, but the other man doesn't believe him. Dean says fine, and gets back in his car. But finally the other man pulls out a smaller gun and gets in the car next to Dean, aiming it at him. Dean is still pointing his pistol at him as well. "Well this ought to be a relaxing drive," he says quietly.
ClinicThe young nurse is beginning to get nervous. "What if we all go crazy?" she says. The doctor replies that they've just got to wait, the Marshall is bringing help. "No, I can't, I've got to go," the nurse says, standing up and heading for the door. "Pam," begins the doctor. "No, you don't understand, my boyfriend's out there, I've got to make sure he's okay," she says, and keeps going. Sam gets up and follows her. He tells her to wait. "I know you're upset, but it's safer if you stay here for now. Help is coming." He hears the Impala's engine and then its door close. "There they are," he says. "Sammy? Open up!" calls Dean. They come inside and Dean says he's going to have a word with Sam, and tells the sergeant the doc's inside. Sam asks Dean what's going on, but Dean doesn't know, he says the sergeant's the only sane person he could find. "What are we dealing with, do you know?" he asks. "Yeah, the doc thinks it's a virus." "Yeah, what do you think?" "I think she's right. And I think the infected are trying to infect others with blood to blood contact. Oh – but it gets better. The virus leaves traces of sulphur in the blood." "A demonic virus?" Dean asks. Sam says yes, at least it explains why he's been having visions. "It's like a biblical plague," Dean says. Sam tells Dean he's been looking through Dad's journal, and John always had a theory on Croatoan. He thought it was a demon's name. A demon of plague, of pestilence. Dean asks why here, why now. Sam doesn't know. He says who knows how far this thing can spread, they've got to get out of here, to warn people. Suddenly the sergeant calls from the other room, saying they’ve got one in there. Dean and Sam run in. "What do you mean?" asks Dean, and Sam explains that the wife is infected. The sergeant says they’ve got to take care of this. "My neighbours, they were strong. The longer we wait, the stronger she'll get." Dean pulls out his gun. "You're gonna kill Beverley Tanner?" cries Pam. Sam asks if there's anyway to cure it, but the doctor doesn't know what it is. They go to the door where the wife is locked in and Sam opens the door. Beverley is sitting in the corner. "Mark, what are you doing?" she cries. "Mark, they locked me in here, it's them that are infected. Mark, please!" The sergeant hesitates, and Dean asks if Sam is sure she's infected. Sam nods, and Dean steps in front and shoots her.
Mark looks outside through the blinds, he can see people standing out there, waiting. Dean and Sam are loading guns. Sam looks at Dean for a minute but says nothing. Pam accidentally drops a vial of blood and panicks, thinking she got some on her, but she is fine. "Why are we staying here? Please let's just go," she says. "No, we can't, those things are everywhere," Dean argues. "She's right about one thing," says Sam. "We can't stay here, we've got to get to the roadhouse, somewhere. Let people know what's coming." "Yeah you got a point. Night of the Living Dead didn't exactly end pretty," says Dean. The sergeant says that he doesn't think they have a choice, as lots of people up here are good with rifles, they'd be easy targets. "So unless you've got some explosives," he says. Sam and Dean eye the alcohol and other chemicals on the shelves, and Sam says they can make some. Suddenly they hear banging on the door and a man's voice calling, "Let me in please!" The sergeant opens the door and a young man comes inside. "Dwayne, you okay?" asks the sergeant. "That's the guy that I – uh – " Dean makes a motion at his throat, and Sam nods. Dean asks the doctor to test his blood. Mark asks Dwayne where he's been, and Dwayne tells him he was on a fishing trip. He tells them he saw one of his neighbours getting attacked by people. "Has anybody seen my mom and dad?" he asks. "Awkward," Dean says quietly. The doctor finds a cut on Dwayne's arm, and when Dean asks where he got it, he replies that he was running, he must have tripped. Dean tells the sergeant to tie him up, there's rope in the other room. "Wait," says Dwayne, starting to stand up, but Dean aims a gun at him. "Did they bleed on you?" asks Dean. "No," says Dwayne. Sam asks if there's any way to check if he has the virus. Dr. Lee replies that she studied Beverley's blood work, and it took three hours for the virus to incubate. She says there'd be no way of knowing, not until he turned. Sam says he has to talk to Dean, and they leave. The sergeant begins to tie up Dwayne.
"This is my vision, Dean. It's happening," Sam says. "Yeah I figured," Dean replies. "You can't kill him, alright? Not yet. We don’t know if he's infected or not." "Oh I think we're pretty damn sure," Dean argues. "Guy shows up middle of nowhere, got a cut on his leg, whole family's infected?" "Alright, then we should keep him tied up and wait and see," Sam insists. "For what? For him to Hulk out? Try to infect somebody else? No thanks, can't take that chance." He starts to walk past Sam, but Sam stops him. "Hey look man, I'm not happy about this, alright? But it's a tough job, you know that." "It's supposed to be tough, Dean!" says Sam. "We're supposed to struggle with this, that's the whole point!" "What does that buy us?" asks Dean. "A clear consience, for one!" says Sam. "Too late for that," says Dean, starting to walk away again. "What the hell's happened to you?" yells Sam. "What?" Dean stops. "You might kill an innocent man, and you don't even care," Sam goes on. "You don't act like yourself anymore, Dean. Hell you know, you're acting like one of those things out there." Dean pushes past him and when Sam tries to stop him again, Dean shoves him aside and goes into the other room, locking the door behind him. Sam yells for him to unlock it, but Dean just pulls out his gun and aims it at Dwayne, who is tied up now. Dwayne starts pleading with Dean, but Dean doesn't believe him. The doctor says she can't tell if it's in him or not. Mark says maybe he's telling the truth, but Dean still doesn't believe him. He raises the gun again, saying "I got no choice." Dwayne continues to plead with Dean, and Dean's finger presses the trigger a little, but he doesn't pull it. "Dammit," he says, he can't do it.
Later, the boys are making explosives. The doctor comes up to them and tells them that it's been over four hours and Dwayne's blood is still not infected. She says she thinks he's fine, and she'd like to untie him. Sam says that's fine. Sam turns to Dean and says, "You know I'm going to ask you why." "Yeah I know." "So, why? Why didn't you do it?" "We need more alcohol," Dean says, and Sam stands up to get it. He goes into the other room and asks Pam how she's holding up. "Good," she says. "It'll all be over soon." She closes the door behind Sam and locks it. "In fact," she says, "I've been waiting for this the whole time. To get you alone." She suddenly jumps on Sam, and then cuts his chest with a knife, then cuts her hand, and presses her hand on his chest. Dean breaks in and shoots her. Sam holds out his hand for Dean to help him up, and Dean moves forward, but Mark stops him. "She bled on him. He's got the virus."
Sam is sitting down, and Dean asks the doctor to check Sam's wound again. Mark gets angry and asks why she has to examine him, he's infected. "You know what we have to do," he says. "Nobody's shooting my brother," yells Dean. "It's not gonna be your brother much longer," says Dwayne. "Nobody's shooting anybody," Dean says. "You were gonna shoot me!" yells Dwayne. "You don't shut your piehole, I still might!" Dean yells back. "Dean," says Sam, "They're right. I'm infected. Just gimme the gun, I'll do it myself." "Forget it," Dean says. "Dean, I am not going to become one of those things," Sam argues. "Sam, we've still got some time," Dean says. "Time for what?" Mark cuts in. "Look, I know he's your brother, and I'm sorry, I am. But I gotta take care of this." He pulls out a gun. "I'm gonna say this one time. You make a move on him, you'll be dead before you hit the ground, you understand me?" Dean says. "Do I make myself clear?" "Then what are we supposed to do?" Dean suddenly takes his keys out of his pocket and tosses them at Mark. "Get the hell out of here, that's what. Take my car. You've got the explosives, there's an arsenal in there, you two go with him. You've got enough fire power to handle anything now." "What about you?" asks Mark. Dean doesn’t answer. "Dean, no, no, go with them," says Sam. "This is your only chance." "You're not gonna get rid of me that easily," says Dean. "He's right, come with us," says Mark. Dean doesn't move. "Okay, it's your funeral," he says, and they leave. The doctor stops before she leaves. "I'm sorry. Thanks for everything, Marshalls." "Um, actually we're not really Marshalls," says Dean. "Oh," she says. She leaves, and Dean locks the door behind her. He turns around back to Sam. "I wish we had a deck of cards, and a fooz ball table or something." "Dean, don’t do this," says Sam. "Just get the hell out of here." "No way," replies Dean."Gimme the gun, and leave," Sam orders, starting to cry. "For the last time, Sam, no." Sam slams his hand on the table. "This is the dumbest thing you've ever done." Dean makes a face. "I don’t know about that. Remember that waitress in Tampa?" He shudders. "Dean, I'm sick," says Sam. "It's over for me. It doesn't have to be for you." "No?" "No, you can keep going." "Who says I want to?" Dean says suddenly. "What?" Sam gapes at him. Dean sits down. "I'm tired, Sam. I'm tired of this job… this life. This weight on my shoulders, man, I'm tired of it." "So what, you're just gonna give up? You're just gonna lay down and die? Look, Dean, I know this stuff with Dad had –" "You're wrong," Dean interrupts. "It's not about Dad. I mean part of it is, sure, but –" "Then what is it about?" They hear the door open outside and someone knocks on the door. It's the doctor. "You better come see this," she says.
Outside the clinicOutside it’s silent. "There's no one, not anyone. Not anywhere. They've all just – vanished," says the doctor.
Clinic"Well, it's been five hours, and your blood's still clean," says the doctor to Sam. "I don't understand it, but I think you dodged a bullet." "But I was exposed. How could I not be infected?" Sam asks. "I don't know," Dr. Lee replies. "But you're just not. I mean, compare it with the Tanner samples…" She looks through the microscope. "What the hell?" "What?" asks Sam. "Their blood. There's no trace of the virus. No sulphur, nothing."
Outside the clinicDwayne and the sergeant are leaving, going south. Dwayne says the doc should come, but she says she needs to talk to the authorities, if they'll believe her. "What about him?" asks Dean about Sam. "He's going to be fine," she says. "No signs of infection." "Hey man, don't look at me," says Sam when Dean looks at him weird. "I got no clue." "I swear, I'm gonna lose sleep over this one," says Dean. "I mean, why here, why now? Where the hell did everybody go? It's not like they just freakin' melted." "And why was I immune?" wonders Sam. "Yeah, that's a good question," says Dean. "You know I'm already starting to feel like this is the one that got away?" He gets in the car and Sam follows.
Somewhere on the roadThe sergeant and Dwayne are driving. "You mind pulling over up ahead there?" says Dwayne, and Mark obliges. "I gotta make a call," says Dwayne. "No phone out here," says Mark. "I got it covered," replies the younger man. "What the hell is that?" asks Mark, and suddenly Dwayne cuts his throat, and catches the blood in a silver cup, one that looks the same as the one that Meg had all that time ago. He stirs his hand in it. "It's over, you'll be pleased," he says. "I don't think any more tests are necessary. The Winchester boy, definitely immune, as expected. Yes. Of course. Nothing left behind." His eyes go black.
Somewhere by a lakeSam and Dean are leaning on a fence by a lake, having some drinks. "So, last night, you wanna tell me what the hell you were talking about?" Sam asks. "What do you mean?" asks Dean. "What do I mean? I mean you said you were tired of the job. And that it wasn't just because of Dad." "Forget it," says Dean. "No, I can't. No way," Sam argues. "Well, man, I thought we were both gonna die. You can't hold that over me." "No, no no no. You can't pull that crap with me, man. You're talking," Sam says. "And what if I don't?" "Then I guess I'll just have to keep asking until you do." "I don't know, man," says Dean, turning around. "I just think we ought to… go to the Grand Canyon." "What?" said Sam incredulously. "Yeah, I mean, all this driving back and forth cross country and you know I've never been to the Grand Canyon? Or we could go to TJ. Or Hollywood! See if we could bang Lindsay Lohan." "You're not making any sense," Sam says. "I just think we should take a break from all this. Why do we get stuck with all the responsibility, you know? Why can't we live life a bit?" "Why you saying all this?" asks Sam, and Dean stands up and starts to walk away. "No no no no. Dean, you're my brother, alright? So whatever weight you're carrying, let me help a little bit." "I can't," says Dean. "I promised." "Who?" asks Sam. "Dad," replies Dean. "What're you talking about?" Sam asks. "Right before Dad died, he told me something," begins Dean. "He told me something about you." "What?" says Sam. "Dean, what did he tell you?"
Synopsis by Deanandhisimpala
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